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Flight attendant finally answers major debate over who the 'extra' middle armrest belongs to

Flight attendant finally answers major debate over who the 'extra' middle armrest belongs to

Finally, an answer to the age old debate

A flight attendant has revealed the right etiquette when it comes to who should have which armrest on a plane. But not everyone is convinced...

One of the age old questions when flying is whether you want to sit on the aisle or window. Because let's face it, no one wants the middle.

Squashed between two people that you hopefully know or in nightmare situation, two strangers when you've not paid to select your seat.

But this is when the battle really begins. That's right, the armrest war.

With one on each end of the row of three seats and two in the middle separating all three, you're left with a conundrum.

Three seats, four armrests. Who gets what? It is a give that the end ones belong to those on the aisle and window seat, but the battle for the middle two is one we all encounter on every trip.

Well one flight attendant has revealed the right outcome on this one, much to the displeasure of travellers.

Taking to Reddit, one person explained how one recent flight showcased the rule in action with a flight attendant telling them the way things should be split between the row of three seats.

Who gets what? The anxiety. (Getty Stock Images)
Who gets what? The anxiety. (Getty Stock Images)

"This was a first for me on my current flight," they posted.

"The flight attendant made an announcement right after boarding to clarify who gets to use which armrest on the flight.

To my surprise, he was very emphatic that no person gets two armrests.

"He explained every person is supposed to use the armrest on their right (and the left for the other side) and keep the armrest on the aisle clear for carts and people walking down the plane.

"He emphatically stated that no armrest drama would be tolerated. Feeling sorry for all the folks in middle seats on this flight, although mentioned to my seat mate she was welcome to both armrests."

People aren't convinced the flight attendant is right (Getty Stock Images)
People aren't convinced the flight attendant is right (Getty Stock Images)

But others weren't too happy with the advice and rules.

"That's a 'no' for me. I'm an aisle seater, and that aisle armrest is mine," one Redditor said.

"The middle seat gets his/her two, I get mine on the aisle."

Another wrote: "Yeah, that’s some made up BS by a flight attendant who is tired of bumping people’s arms with his cart.

"If it wasn’t intended to support an arm there’d just be like a small wall on the aisle (which to be honest I sometimes wish there was)."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Hacks, Holiday, Reddit, Travel, World News, Social Media