Taking kids on holiday is never easy, especially when they are still small.
While mid-flight tantrums are to be expected, they usually don’t come from adult passengers complaining about well-behaved kids.
However, one mum was in for a bumpy ride as a first-class passenger harassed her family and even claimed that toddlers ‘weren’t allowed in first class’.
In fact, the mum-of-one revealed she knew the passenger was turbulent before the plane even took flight in the latest story about the tumultuous world of plane etiquette.
Sharing her story on Reddit, she explained that her husband, toddler and she had been travelling across the country for Thanksgiving at the time.
After her other half received a pay rise, the couple decided to treat themselves and ‘splurge’ on first-class seats for the family.
Given that their daughter was also a frequent flyer, the time should have flown by.

The mum even proudly explained how calm her nearly three-year-old was, writing: "My toddler has always been a good flyer and has flown a lot throughout her short life. She's never been disruptive or cried on an airplane, this flight included.
“She's good at staying in her seat and tells us when she needs to go potty, food, a toy, etc.”
However, the first-class passenger threw a huge tantrum upon seeing the tiny tot.
“We boarded early since my husband is disabled and when another 1st class passenger saw us he started glaring,” the mum revealed.
“We take off and all is good. My kid fell asleep in the middle of colouring, husband is snoozing.”
Even though the little one fell asleep, it seems even the most well-behaved kid wasn’t going to impress the unhappy holidaymaker.
The mum continued, writing: "I'm listening to music when I get a tap on my shoulder. It was the guy that glared at us as he boarded and before I could even get a word out he told me that children weren't allowed in 1st class and that we needed to move to our 'real' seats.”
Though flight attendants confirmed that the family was allowed to be there and that the man needed to leave them alone, he continued to harass the mum.

As the family disembarked at their destination, the passenger left with a cruel taunt.
“He did go back to his seat but as we were getting off the plane he whispered to me that I was a 'fat c**t' and that he pays too much money for first class to be surrounded by children,” revealed the Redditor.
Upon arrival though, the woman’s loved one didn’t defend her.
"My kid was the only kid in 1st class and she didn't misbehave or even cry so at first I felt like I was in the right, but after talking to family at Thanksgiving many of them told me that we should book economy next time because people pay extra to relax in 1st class," she explained.
She then asked the forum: “Are we really a******s for flying 1st class with our toddler?"
Unsurprisingly, people have leapt to her defence in the comments.
"Even if your child did cry, it wouldn't have mattered because you paid and are entitled to the seats you paid for,” argued one outraged Redditor.
They added: “…if they don't want to be around children/other people that bad - they should fly private…"
Hopefully, the grumpy passenger isn’t a frequent flyer.
Topics: Parenting, Reddit, Travel, Viral, Plane Etiquette