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Warning to Jet2, Ryanair, TUI, Easyjet passengers who sit behind plane's wings

Warning to Jet2, Ryanair, TUI, Easyjet passengers who sit behind plane's wings

Holidaymakers have been warned about the position of their seats onboard

A warning has been issued to people looking to fly with Jet2, Ryanair, TUI or easyJet this summer, with regards to where they sit on the plane.

It's the part of the journey no-one really wants to do, but catching a budget airline to your dreamy holiday destination is necessary, no matter how long, cramped, or uncomfortable it makes you on your travels.

UK tourists should take note though, as though not everyone would want to pay extra for a better seat onboard, there might be a very good reason as to why you should splash the cash on a selected seat.

Those looking to fly one of the four aforementioned airlines have been warned over where they sit in the plane, as an ex-Virgin Atlantic air hostess has imparted her wisdom on social media users.

Airline passengers have been warned about where their seat is. (Getty Stock Photo)
Airline passengers have been warned about where their seat is. (Getty Stock Photo)

Lorna Andrews, known as Lorna Luxe online, has urged holiday goers to remember one thing in a TikTok video that has since gone viral.

It turns out that there's a reason why you need to fork out that extra few quid to pick your seat onboard, it's not just to sit near your travel companion.

The content creator began to explain: "You need to sit forward of the wing if you don't want any turbulence because that turbulence, that wing and behind the wing, that tail really flaps."

If you're easily travel sick or have a fear of flying that isn't helped by turbulence, you might want to add a tenner onto your flight ticket fee and sit at the front - at least you'll get the nicer side of things in the air if you hit the jet stream.

(Getty Stock Image)
(Getty Stock Image)

Andrews also appeared on the Should I Delete That? podcast to reveal more hacks: "I tell you what is a really good hack, if you're travelling on a full flight with someone else, and you're angling for an upgrade, put yourselves in seats that aren't together.

"Then, when you get to check in say, 'Oh my god it's our wedding anniversary' or whatever, 'Is there any chance you can put us together?'"

She did say that it's unlikely this will be accommodated on a full flight, but depending on the person, they could bump you up.

Host Emily Clarkson said that trying it is 'risky', before sharing a story of her own.

Sitting in a similar position to this onboard will give you a horrid experience if you hit turbulence. (Getty Stock Photo)
Sitting in a similar position to this onboard will give you a horrid experience if you hit turbulence. (Getty Stock Photo)

"That happened to me before, I went to Japan I had my baby and I wasn't sitting with my husband and it was like 'no one's going to upgrade me with a kid' and they wouldn't."

Further talking about why you should avoid drinking tap water onboard, Andrews explained: "It is because those tanks never get cleaned.

"Say the aircraft is like 15 years old, I mean, it's up to you but I wouldn't drink it, I wouldn't even do a cup-of-soup," she revealed.

The flight attendant valiantly suggested we 'stick to alcohol'. Well, if you say so...

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Travel, Holiday, TikTok, Viral