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It's one of life's greatest mysteries - what is waiting for us on the other side when we evidently die?
Well, according to numerous people, it ranges from a 'cosmic orgasm' to being in 'heaven', however, it has fundamentally changed people's perspectives on their lives - with Jose Hernandez being one such person.
Hernandez described himself as a 'true atheist', as per MailOnline, and as an electrical engineer who would have to tend to roadside power lines, his job wasn’t without risk.
But it wasn’t the power lines that’d get him- it was a colleague.
On 6 January, 2000, he had been in a utility truck with his co-worker, who went on to lose control of the vehicle, telling Shaman Oaks on his YouTube channel: "When I had my experience I was a true Atheist. I am an engineer. I was up on a bucket truck running some electrical lines.
"We were running late. The guy that was with me, my partner, was more worried about electrocuting me up on top, so he was more worried looking up and he just kind of bumped into a tree.
"I hit the bucket and I broke all my ribs [...] on my right side and I was sent to an emergency room."
As medical personnel rushed around him to save his life, his mind started to wander towards God.
He said: “I started thinking about God," adding that he began to tell him 'if you get me through this event I will change'.
Hernandez continued: “That fear that I felt in that moment was incredibly competitive.
“And I started asking myself, 'Well, what if God is real?'”
While he was being worked on by a doctor, the electrical engineer claimed his consciousness was then teleported through a dark portal that took him to a world with insane colour, where he was also reunited his late father.
During this time, he would be clinically dead, however, he eventually came back to life, just to fall back into unconsciousness for two minutes - all while watching everything unfold outside of his body.
He also saw a 'shadow by the door', leading Hernandez to accept that it was 'okay to die', and when the 'shadow' touched him, he claims he felt 'this tremendous sense of relief, and relaxation, peace and love and calm'.
In a previous podcast with Next Soul in 2022, Hernandez said his religious beliefs were a result of 'conflict' between his parent's beliefs, with his mother being Catholic, while his father was indigenous.
However, following his experience, this all changed.
He said: “Everything I believe was destroyed when I died. Everything I believed in science and all that. That wasn't the answer.
"No. There was something more that was created.”