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Women warned about 'Boyfriend Air' problem which will be on another level this Valentine's Day

Women warned about 'Boyfriend Air' problem which will be on another level this Valentine's Day

The bizarre phenomenon might impact your Valentine's Day plans

If you’re lucky enough to be loved up in time for the most romantic day of the year, you might think you’re all set - but you may need to watch out for Boyfriend Air.

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, which you can tell by the amount of pink and red coloured tat on display in just about every supermarket across the UK right now.

If you’re single, you may just want to treat 14 February like any other day, but if you’re in a relationship, chances are you’ve got something planned.

However, if you are planning on spending some quality time with your other-half, then you might need to watch out for ‘Boyfriend Air’.

For the uninitiated, ‘Boyfriend Air’ is a phenomenon where women feel they become less attractive and altogether more gross after spending too much time with their partner. Not ideal on Valentine's Day, right?

TikTok user Taylor Donoghue, managed to encapsulate the concept of ‘Boyfriend Air’ in a viral video last year.

In the clip, she explains that she originally thought she was 'going crazy' when she noticed her hygiene standards slipping, despite her best efforts to stay spick and span at her boyfriend's.

One victim of 'Boyfriend Air' said she thought she was going crazy at first.

"I remember taking a full body shower, and the next morning waking up and being like, 'I feel so dirty'," Taylor Donoghue said in a now-viral video.

But TikTok showed her that she was far from the first woman to notice their hair, skin and more going downhill after staying with their boyfriend.

"[Boyfriend Air] is a thing because it was only in his apartment that I would feel this way," she continued, stressing that she only felt this way when she was with her partner.

Reacting to Taylor's video, another TikToker speculated: "its cause [your boyfriend] keeps touching your face and your hair [sic]."

"I look so much better at my house LOL [sic]," added a second.

"It's like camping. You're not truly clean," wrote a third, while a fourth remarked: "My bf is super clean and I still feel the ick living together."

Sure, they look happy but is she secretly feeling icky? Who knows.
Pexels/cottonbro studio

"Feel like it's because of the hormones our bodies [release] when we're around someone we're romantically and sexually attracted to," speculated a fifth.

However, not everyone believes in the phenomenon and others have said that if happens, your partner probably needs to up his hygiene game.

"He def just doesn't wash his sheets [sic]," wrote another TikTok user, while a second added: "I don't know about y'all but not my man."

"I have to stop listening to these vids," said a third. "My sense of reality is declining."

So, if you're lamenting your single status this Valentine's Day, don't feel so bad - at least you’re not having to deal with Boyfriend Air.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@taylordonoghuee/Getty Stock Photo

Topics: TikTok, Sex and Relationships

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