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Topics: Food And Drink, TikTok, News, Travel, Money
If you've booked a bargain all-inclusive getaway this summer and are worried about the amount of bang - and booze - you'll get for you hard-earned buck, a TikTok 'science' experiment by the Cheap Holiday Expert - aka Chelsea Dickenson - might surprise you.
The cut-price-travel advocate is enthusiastic about getting her 88.7K followers on TikTok a bargain - but not if it's going to ruin their buzz.
Because nobody wants their holiday mojito to be an no-jito.
So she and partner James grabbed their trusty 'alcohol measurer' - which we are reliably informed in the comments is actually called a 'refractometer' - to investigate the vodka in a 'cheap all-inclusive hotel'.
Using a pipette, they drop some of the clear liquid onto the refractometer and close the flag stating it should measure '37.5%'.
They do the experiment twice and both results come out at a slightly lower ABV of 33%.
So have we all been diddled into drinking diluted cocktails round the pool?
Probably not.
"Why could it be a few percentages off?" Chelsea asks 'scientist' James.
But his answer might surprise you: "Temperature can vary the accuracy of this."
So what does that mean?
"That means that I don't think that they water them down," James concludes.
The pair add that they watched the bartender break the seal of brand new bottles.
"I'm going to go ahead and say that this place is not watering down," says Chelsea.
"There's no watering down going on here," is her final take away from the experiment.
James adds "These are honest people," before the pair celebrate the results with a shot of the hard stuff.
In other recent cut-price travel news, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, has been recommended as one of the cheapest holiday destinations in the world right now.
With the cost of living crisis squeezing us all for every penny, we all want to keep the costs down as much as possible.
With that in mind, the Post Office have compiled a list of the cheapest destinations around, called the 'World Holiday Costs Barometer' (WHCB).
For the past ten years, they've been calculating the cost of eight key holiday staples: a three course meal for two, a cup of coffee, a bottle of beer, a Coca-Cola, a glass of wine, a bottle of water, sun cream, and insect repellent, and put together for 40 cities and resorts to determine the most cost effective holiday destination.
And it turns out that the Sunny Beach in Bulgaria, which has long been a destination hot spot for Brits, has come out very near the top.
In third position on this year's list, the budget resort will set you back just £58.30 for the above.