An animals rights activist burst into a torrent of vile abuse at a woman she saw fishing by a lake.
Incredible footage from the foul-mouthed rant has been shared online and shows the passer-by screaming at the unsuspecting woman. Have a look for yourself:
Elsa Joan, from Kent, was spending the afternoon by Brooklands Lake in Dartford over the weekend, when she caught a huge carp.
Proud of her work, the 24-year-old set up a camera to document the catch.
In a clip shared on social media, Elsa can be seen picking up the large fish from her bag while she smiles for the camera.
However, things quickly take a very dark turn when another woman stops by to let loose on the young fishing enthusiast.
At first, it feels like a comedy sketch, with the passer-by seeming so over the top that it can't be reel (get it?).
But sadly, it's not.

"B*tch," she screams to start her opening salvo. "God, you are disgusting. Put that bloody thing back in the water if it's not dead already. You vile b*tch, put it back."
Elsa responds in kind, shouting: "Go away. F**k off. F**k off."
"You are disgusting," the woman hits back. "You are a disgrace."
Elsa then points out that she's in a 'fishery', so is likely to see, err, people fishing?
But undeterred by the retort, the animal rights activist goes on.
"Oh my God. Oh my God it's a fishery. People go fishing, love. Go away. Oh my God," says Elsa.
To which the vexed woman shouts back: "Yeah, you. Fisherer, an array is a matrix. I don't care what a fishery is, an array is a matrix. And you are a disgusting b**ch.
"You're a f**king whore. And you should... you should be drowned, my love!"
Eventually, the woman walks off and Elsa scoops the fish into her bag, ready to be released back into the lake.

Looking back on the bizarre encounter, she said: "It's not changed my perspective on fishing.
"I absolutely love the sport, I've always loved the sport, and I think people like herself should be more educated because the fish aren't harmed at all.
"I've always watched videos on Facebook of this sort of thing happening, with people going off day-to-day just doing what they want to do, but I didn't imagine it would ever happen to me.
"I found it funny. I was shocked, but it was so, so funny.
"The power of the media will take control, I'm sure. I don't think she'd want to walk around here again."
After the incident, Elsa reported it to the Brooklands Lake bailiff, with authorities and regulars now keeping an eye out for the woman, who hasn't been spotted since.