While it might be an easy decision getting a dog, actually choosing one can be much harder.
Sure, you say you’ve always wanted a little four-legged friend but then you’ve got to put the work in - the walks, the feeding and all that. Plus you need to pick from the long, long list of breeds.
It can be tough to decide on a type of dog – maybe you want a pug, but then you see a sweet little terrier and then get tempted by a German shepherd.
But a vet has claimed they would never own a specific ‘abomination’ cross breed they call ‘nuts’.
They took to Reddit to express their frustration over certain types of dogs as they desperately want to ‘stop this mayhem’.
The vet wrote: “I swear every other dog that comes into the clinic is a Labradoodle, Golden Doodle, Aussiedoodle or some other poodle abomination.”

They reckon it is all just ‘too much’ as he believes poodles are ‘neurotic’ and therefore, so are the crosses.
Frustrated with the poodles, they did acknowledge that people want ‘hypoallergenic dogs’ and admitted to loving the ‘normal standard poodle’ – it’s the crosses they reckon are ‘nuts’.
“My current theory is that the breed attracts a certain type of owner who has no concept of how to train a dog, let alone an extremely neurotic one like a poodle,” they wrote.
"People have been led to believe these are good family dogs, I couldn't agree less. The number of times clients complain about their Labradoodle not being controllable or have extreme separation anxiety that causes them to destroy the house is way too high.”

Adding that they love all their patients and ‘even the crazy ones’, the vet themselves would ‘never own’ one of the crosses without plenty of formal training.
“Not to mention, all these backyard breeders pumping them out like a factory, who knows what genetic mess you're inheriting but people keep buying them?” they continued.
"I don't want to shame clients for their choice of dog but I really wish I could stop this trend or at least warn them before they get one that it's not what they expect."
While other vets on the thread agreed there are issues with the poodle cross breeds, they’re still very popular.
Tug-e-nuff listed cockapoos and labradoodles in the top ten most popular dog breeds in the UK this year.
The Doodle Trust offer plenty of advice for those thinking of getting a poodle cross dog.