A man out fishing caught a massive shark and managed to reel the toothy beast of the sea in.
Angler Josh Jorgensen was out bottom fishing in the Bahamas and started the day by lowering hooks with squid and barracuda meat on them.
They were soon able to catch a yellow-eyed snapper, which they planned to eat, and later moved to shallower waters in search of other fish.
Things were going pretty well until they spotted that there were sharks beneath their boat.

Josh was able to get a reef shark on his hook, but the angler looked down into the water to see a much larger tiger shark gobbling up his catch and ending up on his line.
The angler reckoned it was an 'absolute monster' and 'the biggest shark in my life right now', presumably meaning it was the largest shark he'd ever caught and not that he had a number of sharks on the go.
From there, it was a fight to pull the mighty beast in and stay close but after some tricky moves, they managed to subdue the shark.
Eventually they were able to hold the exhausted shark besides the boat and estimated that it was about 14ft long and around 1,000lbs in weight.
That's a pretty hefty tiger shark, but the exhausted beast was not for catching and instead they snapped off the hook that had become embedded in its mouth.
Pushing the shark away, they left it to continue to maraud the sea and tiger sharks will eat just about anything they can get their teeth on.

It's pretty damn cool to see the shark-eat-shark world that the seas can be, though some watching the angler's video were worried he was getting his hands too close to those colossal chompers.
Then again, others who are either very brave or quite foolish have got closer to sharks than the laws of comfort would dictate.
One guy who just kind of picked up a shark with his bare hands ended up going viral for his impressive feat, and the shark itself was also well enough to swim away after he put it back into the water.
However, it's best not to lose too much wariness of sharks or you might end up like the guy who covered himself in blood and popped into a shark cage.
He ended up getting lots of sharks visiting him, and being very glad that the bars of the cage had been solidly constructed.
Topics: Animals, YouTube, Sharks, Shark Attacks