The Instagram page for Sea Monkeys has shared what they look like when they start reaching six months of age, and it's the point that they start developing certain behaviours.
In the video a container full of Sea Monkeys showed them swimming around in the water, but many of them appeared to be stuck together.
They seem to be stuck together, but what does that mean? (Instagram/@tn_bobby/@theoriginalseamonkeys) This is actually the sign of a major moment in their development, though you might not want to watch as they could have earned a spot of privacy.
If you're seeing Sea Monkeys stuck together then you need to be on the lookout for whiskers on the little things.
If both Sea Monkeys have whiskers then they're blokes and they're having a fight over which of them gets the ladies.
However, if just one of the Sea Monkeys has whiskers it means they're a mating pair and they can be stuck together for days at a time.
Lots of us had Sea Monkeys as kids. (Amazon) It also means that you could end up having to take care of more Sea Monkeys, though since they usually live between one and five years you probably won't have much of a problem keeping that water tank spacious.
Bred from a species of brine shrimp, the Sea Monkeys are woken up by being added to water and from then on it's your responsibility to keep them well fed.
You know dear reader, I once had Sea Monkeys.
They lived for quite a long time, until the biggest of them all started eating all of the food which resulted in everyone he knew starving to death.
Finally he died of either loneliness or old age, perhaps both.
Meanwhile, you might be interested to learn that sea monkeys are basically fossilised when you get them and you're just waking them up when you pour the 'eggs' into water.
They were invented, for lack of a better word, by an American man named Harold von Braunhut who was also responsible for other kids gifts like x-ray specs, card monsters that grew hair when you got water on them and the invisible goldfish which of course was just an empty fishbowl with some food.
Sadly, with the money he made from his inventions he bought weapons for the Ku Klux Klan and attended neo-Nazi group meetings.
He didn't even bother attempting to hide his views either, telling people: "You know what side I'm on. I don't make any bones about it."