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Woman who had nose bitten off by dog of 11 years issues heartbreaking update on future of pet

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Woman who had nose bitten off by dog of 11 years issues heartbreaking update on future of pet

Shanya Crimo has shared an update on her dog after the devastating attack

A woman who suffered a life-changing dog attack has shared an update on what will happen to her beloved pooch.

US dog lover Shayna Crimo had raised her two dogs King and Krieo for over a decade when she had her nose bitten off by one of the animals in an unprovoked attack.

Sharing the story-time on her TikTok account, 31-year-old Crimo explained that her dog Krieo had been diagnosed with cancer, leading to her other dog King exhibiting unusual behaviour.

Shayna Crimo with her dogs King (left) and Krieo (GoFundMe)
Shayna Crimo with her dogs King (left) and Krieo (GoFundMe)

Krieo has sadly since been put to sleep, however, shortly before King lashed out and bit Crimo's nose off in an unprovoked attack. She is now undergoing extensive reconstructive surgery to rebuild her nose and upper lip.

Meanwhile, curious followers have wondered about what will happen to King after the attack, with the content creator explaining that she and her partner are yet to get rid of the dog.

Responding to a question about whether or not they'd had King euthanised since the attack, Crimo explained they still have the dog in the home as they are 'not ready' to go through losing both of their pets.

"The appointment was set for today," she explained in a follow-up clip. "I cancelled it because I'm not ready and I want to be able to grieve that naturally."

Going on to explain that her next steps are 'not an easy decision to make' Crimo explained that she'd never expected the dog to lash out in this way and added that she was glad it happened to her and not any of her friends or family.

"I'm also grateful that this happened to me and not [her partner] or one of my friends," she said. "Thank god it was me."

The clip, and Crimo's decision not to have the dog immediately put down, attracted a lot of backlash, leading to her making a follow-up video to clarify they were not keeping the dog but simply aren't ready to say goodbye yet.

"Just to spell it out, we are not keeping King. I'm just not ready to do anything about it yet," she said. "We are taking necessary precautions so that I can process things and be ready."

Crimo has since clarified that she is not ready to have King put down yet (TikTok/@shaynabcrimo)
Crimo has since clarified that she is not ready to have King put down yet (TikTok/@shaynabcrimo)

She then went on to add that not everyone would understand the couple's decision to hold off on putting him down.

"Being a pet parent is definitely a huge responsibility and a huge commitment," she added.

"It's not something to take lightly."

You can donate to Crimo's GoFundMe, which she has set up to help with costs for her upcoming surgeries and the dog's euthanasia, here.

Featured Image Credit: GoFundMe

Topics: Dogs, GoFundMe, Health, Mental Health, US News, TikTok