An attacker got more than he bargained for after the lad he targeted turned out to be a mixed martial arts fighter.
Check out the video here:
Footage shows the moment Stuart Briggs began fighting with teenager Alex Williams in Guisborough High Street.
Little did Briggs know he'd pitted himself against a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu champion.
The incident took place on September 14, 2021, with a clip from the incident showing Briggs approaching the young lad, who was 16 years old at the time.
As the fight unfolds, Williams stops his attacker by pinning him down to the ground using a double leg takedown.
Briggs leaves the scene and comes back again, but Williams is able to subdue him a second time, with the attacker eventually leaving the scene.
Speaking to Teesside Live of the attack, Williams said: "As he got closer to me, I saw an opportunity to defend myself and fight back, so I took it.

"When the fight or flight kicks in you've got to choose one or the other, and I chose to fight back, and I was focused.
"Obviously, I was worried in case he had a knife on him because he has threatened to stab me, but in situations like that it's about surviving, and I was thankfully ready for him."
Williams went on to explain that he was forced to restrain Briggs multiple times: "I thought after I had taken him down the first time that he would have walked away, but he came back for more, so I just continued to try to restrain him without hitting him.
"I was in a seated position, and the move just came to me naturally because I've drilled it a thousand times in training. My main aim was to de-escalate the situation safely.

While Williams was, thankfully, able to de-escalate the situation, he still sustained some injuries, adding: "There was blood everywhere, and I realised he had bitten a chunk out of my ear."
Williams had to get six stitches in hospital following the incident last year.
Briggs appeared on Friday at Teesside Magistrates' Court, where he pled guilting to GBH without intent.
He is expected to be sentenced next month at Teesside Crown Court.
Williams has gone on to start an anti-bullying gym for children, teaming up with fellow martial arts champion Serenity Scott.
And, by the looks of the video, we'd guess a fair few people are already signing up.
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