A vintage doll containing a dead man's glass eyes and hair has spooked Bargain Hunt viewers.
Prepare for images of George's face to infiltrate your nightmares tonight:
If you're the sort of person who loves nothing more than sitting down to watch a good old horror movie then I will never understand you, but you've definitely come to the right place.
If you enjoy getting scared s**tless and not being able to sleep at night, then an unlikely programme has your back - BBC One's Bargain Hunt.
Channelling Annabelle or Child's Play, Bargain Hunt really turned up the chill-factor in one of its recent episodes when a 'haunted' doll named George was introduced.

The doll was brought in by Nottingham Haunted Museum's Marie Wesson.
She explained: "He came to us from Texas and, back in the day, they would make things like George in memory of passed loved ones.
"The difference with George is the passed loved one... George now has his glass eyes and hair."
And the spookiness doesn't stop there...

Wesson went on to explain George was given to the museum 'because the family was experiencing a lot of paranormal things with him [George the doll].
The museum employee continued: "They would get headaches and their eyes would start hurting, so they took him to a few mediums and apparently George wants his eyes and hair back, he can’t rest without them."
Prepare to go rifling through all your cupboards and chuck out any old toys you have from childhood before attempting to go to sleep tonight.

The spooky story was so spine-chilling even Bargain Hunt expert Charlie Ross couldn't contain his fear.
Pulling a face, Ross commented: "I can feel a bit of a headache coming on."
Viewers of the BBC One show had a similar response, taking to social media in concern over eerie George the doll.
One Twitter user said: "That doll would have stayed in Texas. I can't look at the TV, I hate dolls."
"@Caspersight See those haunted dolls on Bargain Hunt BBC today? George had the hair and eyes of the dead person as they won't rest until they get their hair and eyes back..." another added.
A third wrote: "Today's Bargain Hunt of BBC1 @ScarredForLife2 - sweet mother of Jesus. #scarydolls #dolls."

However, another user - who is clearly a fan of horror films - said: "Bargain Hunt did a mini segment about antique vampire hunting kits and haunted dolls. This is the TV content I am here for."
Topics: TV and Film, BBC, Social Media, Twitter