There's been plenty of buzz about the importance of the humble bee in recent years. But what would happen if they actually were to die out?
Well, we wouldn't have that heart-wrenching end to the 1991 movie My Girl. Your next Spring picnic would also be marvellously sting-free.
But, at that same picnic, you'd probably have far less food to much on with your mates while you enjoy the sunshine.
In LADbible Australia's episode of YouTube series FYI, we sat down with Australia's biggest bee fan, Hamish Ta-mé, of Bowral Beekeeping.
He gave us the lowdown into the fascinating world of bees, honey, beekeeping, and just how crucial these little stingy yellow-jackets are when it comes to the food chain.
"Bees are incredibly important for our continued survival," Ta-mé said.
"Probably about 30 per cent of all the food that we have at the supermarket has been pollinated by a bee.
"If we lose bees, we [will see] our common foods [under threat]."
So for your picnic, that would mean no more quince paste, no more apples, no more stone fruit.
Heck, it might even impact that white wine you're necking in the sun with your pals.
So if we don't start protecting the humble honeybee, we'll feel the sting in other ways.
In our hip pockets.
"The bees aren't going to die out across the planet overnight," Ta-mé revealed.
"If you get one region of Australia that has the collapse of bee numbers, suddenly they can’t produce almonds, or apples, or stone fruit, or whatever.
"It means the places that do have them, well, the prices are going to go up."
Oh great. So we'll be bee-free and poor.

As a result, the expert from Bowral Beekeeping is urging Aussies to get into having a hive at home.
"Should people get into backyard beekeeping? The answer is yes," he stated,
"At no point in history has it been more important for people to get into backyard beekeeping."
"The more bees around, the better pollination rates. The better the impact on literally your pasture and your fruits and vegetables."
But there is an added sense of wonder that comes with beekeeping, Ta-mé claims.
"When you get a hive of your own, you’re actually tapping into a really mystical kind of connection with the world," he said.
"It's beyond science. You do feel a deep connection to your bees and, through them, into the cycle of the world around you."
Sounds like a picnic-saving hoot. Where do we sign up?