Want to see the most tragic yet entertaining reaction to a house makeover ever?
Then check out this man's reaction to his updated bedroom:
Home makeover shows are usually pretty fun to watch - but can also be very predictable.
A group of experts chuck a load of money at a run-down house and - surprise surprise - the home owner is jumping for joy that they get got a practically new home made up for free.
However, when it comes to the show, Your Home In Their Hands, a positive reaction is never guaranteed.

The BBC series, which aired from 2014 to 2015, sees desperate homeowners hand over their keys to interior designers, hoping they can solve their design dilemmas.
Four designers are then assigned to decorate two homes with a £15,000 budget, as Celia Sawyer presents.
But what makes this programme different to others is that because the show commissions amateurs, rather than professionals, to redecorate people's homes, so there's always a chance things might not turn out as imagined.
That being said, John Geoghegan's reaction was more hostile than anyone could have expected.
But people online have branded it the' best reaction' to a renovation ever.
In the clip - which first aired back in 2015 but has gone viral once again - John and his wife Rachel are shown their bedroom's makeover, at which point things fall sharply off a cliff.

Opening their eyes, the couple are visibly shocked, and if you look closely enough, you can almost see the exact moment John's soul is ripped in two and that flicker of optimism he had had just moments earlier dies a dark death.
So, what did he think of his newly-coated chambre?
"Nah, it's too much. For me, it's too busy," he says bluntly.
"I wouldn't have done anything like it and I don't like it. You're supposed to be able to sleep in a bedroom and it's like a kid's play area.
"I think it looks horrendous, it doesn't look anything like a bedroom. Sorry but it's a big thumbs down from me.
"It's hideous, I think it's even too much for Rachel if she was to tell the truth."
Rachel is less forthcoming with her feedback though, saying: "I do like the bed and the wardrobes. I like the theme of it. I like the lights."

But John is having none of it and can't believe the betrayal.
"It's rank," he says, shaking his head. "I don't like it at all, definitely not."
Then - having been prodded by Sawyer - Rachel adds: "I think it will grow on us. I do like the bed and the wardrobes. I did ask for colour."
However, John makes it clear it won't have time to grow on them though, because he's gonna change it as soon as.
When asked what message he would give the designer, he says: "Don't touch the other room."
Topics: TV and Film, UK News, BBC