Spidey, a YouTuber and Behaviour Analyst, has suggested what Chris Rock might have been thinking after he was slapped by Will Smith. If, somehow, you've still not seen the incident - take a look for yourself:
On The Behavioral Arts YouTube channel, the body language analyser shared his thoughts on Rock's reaction to Smith slapping him.
Smith took to the stage at the 94th Oscars to slap Rock, after the comedian made an insensitive joke about Jada Pinkett Smith.
Captioned "Why did he say THAT?", the behavioural analyst breaks down Rock's speech after the incident.
"After Chris Rock got slapped by Will Smith, he said something really telling," the analyst notes.
The video then cuts to a clip of Rock following the slap, where he says "That was the greatest night in the history television."
What Spidey notes is important here is the comedian's use of the verb 'was'.
By using the word, Spidey explains, Rock is 'talking about this moment in the past', which suggests 'his thoughts skipped ahead to the next day'.
Spidey suggests that Rock's mind might've drifted to what the headlines might be following the incident and he's thinking back to this moment as being in the past and using that as 'motivation to keep his composure'.

Composure that the analyst feels Rock held 'really well'.
The content creator went on to say that he thought Rock's reflexes and restraint was the result of his years, even decades spent as a stand up comedian.
He states that Rock's response following the slap was that of a 'seasoned, professional comedian kicking right in' and that the words the comedian used are further proof of his 'restraint'.
According to the LAPD Rock declined to file a report following the incident and he and Smith were said to have patched things up, which Diddy confirmed, saying: "That's not a problem. That's over. I can confirm that. It's all love. They're brothers."
Smith, apologising on Instagram, wrote: "Violence in all of its forms is poisonous and destructive. My behaviour at last night’s Academy Awards was unacceptable and inexcusable.
"I would like to publicly apologise to you, Chris. I was out of line and I was wrong. I am embarrassed and my actions were not indicative of the man I want to be. There is no place for violence in a world of love and kindness."
Topics: News, Celebrity, Will Smith, Oscars, US News