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Britons Warned About Fake £20 Notes That Are Currently In Circulation

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Britons Warned About Fake £20 Notes That Are Currently In Circulation

The counterfeit £20 notes have a key indicator that proves they are a forgery

Brits have been warned to keep their eyes out for fake £20 notes after a video emerged showing a type of counterfeit that is remarkably convincing but features a sticker that disguises what it really is. You can see one being revealed in the video below.

In the video, it becomes absolutely clear that the fake notes just have something stuck onto them to cover over the fact that they’re prop money.

This particular note was discovered by a shop worker in Yardley, Birmingham.

The worker can be seen peeling back the sticker on the incredibly convincing fake note to reveal a piece of writing that reads ‘prop note’.

According to the Birmingham Mail, one of the notes was discovered by community activist Naveed Sadiq, who saw a cashier examining it at a supermarket.

The fake note is revealed.
Nav Bearded Beys

Then, he got out the camera and started filming the worker taking the sticker off to reveal the forgery.

There’s also a hole in the note where the hologram that denotes authenticity should be.

Mr Sadiq commented: "I have never seen this type of note before. I made a video to raise awareness.

"Price have gone up and to lose £20 is a lot. If you have £60 worth of shopping and have got two of these notes, it's a lot.

"I work in a garage selling cars and we triple check £20 notes. You cannot tell the difference between the fake and the real notes."

The 46-year-old explained how he first came across the notes.

"I saw a cashier looking at the note and I butted in,” he said.

"She had her doubts but then peeled it and it was a fake."

Yeah, you’ll need to keep your wits about you if you are handling notes, then.

Luckily, the police have released some information aimed at helping people recognise forged bank notes.

Some real £20 notes.

West Midlands Police said: "If you have found or been given cash that you believe may be counterfeit, please take it into your local bank.

"If you work in a shop or business and someone has tried to pay with counterfeit money, try and keep the note if doing so will not place anyone in danger.

"Then take the note or notes to your local police station or report it by using our Live Chat facility."

There you have it – be careful out there.

Times are hard enough just now without getting scammed and left out of pocket.

Featured Image Credit: Nav Bearded Beys/Alamy

Topics: UK News, Money