The US Senate has passed a bill to make daylight saving time permanent from 2023 onwards.
Senators argued American citizens have become frustrated flicking their watches 'back and forth' during the year and they want one fixed time.
Under the Sunshine Protection Act, the clock won't have to be changed twice a year so that people can enjoy more sunny afternoons and nighttime activities.
However, the bill has been redirected to The House of Representatives and will still need President Joe Biden’s signature to become official.
US Senator Marco Rubio, one of the bill’s sponsors, said that although changing the time wasn’t the most pressing issue, people will no longer be inconvenienced by changing their clocks around.
"For these 16 weeks a year, if you don’t have a park or an outdoor facility with lights, you’re basically shut down at 5pm. In some places as early as 4 or 4.30pm," he said.
"I know it’s not one of the most important issues confronting America, but it’s one of those issues where there’s a lot of agreement. And I think a lot do people wonder why it took so long to get here...we don’t have to keep doing this stupidity anymore...pardon the pun, but this is an idea whose time has come."

But the move has reignite calls in Australia to follow the US and remove the need to change the clocks.
Tasmania, Victoria, NSW, ACT and South Australia implemented daylight saving time in 1971, but Queensland, the Northern Territory, and Western Australia refused to jump on the bandwagon.
Since the US Senate passed its Sunshine Protection Act, many have taken to Twitter to call for Tassie, Victoria, NSW, the ACT and South Australia to hop off daylight saving.
One user wrote: “Hell Yes !! We are not run on the back of farming anymore.”
Another said: “Yes! More daylight the better hat!”
A third added: “Omg. Yes! This archaic system of changing clocks in a modern international would is ridiculous.”
While many welcomed the idea of changing the clocks, some were left feeling underwhelmed by the possibility of daylight saving time becoming permanent, often claiming winter as the most significant deterrent.
One wrote: “I like it for summer not winter.”
Another said: “No thanks... Way to dark in the mornings now and if it didn't change back would be very grim.”
It doesn't look like Aussies will reach an unanimous decision on this topic any time soon.