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Real cash machine puts people's photo and actual bank balance on leaderboard for all to see

Real cash machine puts people's photo and actual bank balance on leaderboard for all to see

In the US, there is this real cash machine that tells everyone walking past how much money is in your bank account.

Typically, when we go to the cash machine, we expect a bit of privacy when taking out money or checking how much we have in there.

For perhaps people that have not transitioned to online banking, it remains an important part of managing their finances.

Well, this one ATM in the US has caused controversy, as it is rather different to your typical cash machine you'd find on the high street.

This ATM at Art Basel in Miami takes a picture of you once your insert your debit or credit card, and places it on a screen above the machine.

But this screen is actually a leaderboard which displays everyone that uses the machine in the venue.

It orders people by how much money they have in their bank account and shows everyone walking past how much is in there.

In footage posted to Twitter by content creator Joel Franco (@OfficialJoelF), he shows some of the people on the leaderboard and how healthy or not their bank balance looks.

When he was at Art Basel, the person with the most money in their bank account had a whopping $2.9 million (£2.3 million), with the people in the mid-range between $10k and $20k.

Joel even said there were a few people on the other end of the leaderboard had $0 in their bank account.

The content creator highlights how popular the ATM is - which is rather odd to say about a cash point, but here we are.

This is highlighted by the amount of people standing by the machine in Joel's video.

The ATM brought in quite the crowd.
@OfficialJoelF/ Twitter

In a thread on Twitter, and in full on his YouTube channel, you see people really hesitant to use the cash machine, with many standing back and staring at it.

But one man braves it and decides to approach the ATM and enter his details.

Joel records the man putting in his details and his reaction, as he eagerly awaits where he will be placed on the leaderboard.

The ATM is honestly like nothing we've ever seen before, as it makes toilet flushing noises as he awaits the result.

The person with the highest balance had $2.9 million.
@OfficialJoelF/ Twitter

And the result is then revealed, with everyone finding out he has $40,000 in his bank account.

Remember when you were kids, and you'd ask your parents how much they get paid - and you were told that was rude.

Well, if you are kid wanting to know how much money your parents have, you know where to go...

Featured Image Credit: @OfficialJoelF/ Twitter

Topics: Money