Charles Bronson – Britain’s most notorious inmate – can be heard leaving a voicemail on a podcaster’s phone in rare footage. Listen below:
Captured last year, Bronson left the message on podcaster James English's phone, telling him: “James English, I’ve been told about you. You’ve interviewed quite a lot of f*****g people.”
Bronson added: “People I know, good people. Anyway, have a chat with George [Bronson’s son], he might have something for you.”
Signing off the voicemail, Bronson told English: “All the best mate, keep up the good work, Charlie Salvador. Alias, Bronson. Adios amigos.”
Back in March 2021, Bronson appeared on English’s podcast, Anything Goes with James English, and the world-famous inmate was also joined by his son George Bamby.

During their three-way conversation, Bronson confirmed he believes he’ll be a free man in the near future, explaining: “I could be out at the end of this year.
"We've just won in the High Court, I've got a public parole hearing, I'm just waiting for the date. We're gonna smash it mate.
"Because, for the last 50 years, paroles have been held behind closed doors. Now, I've got a new law, they've got to be in the public.
"I can have the media in, I can have the public in, there's no more sweeping my case under the mat."
More recently, Bronson sent a voice note to Sky News last month, revealing he’s eager to get out his ‘side of the story’.
Bronson told Sky: “Hopefully I've got a date soon, for my public parole hearing.
“I'm the first man in Britain to have a public one. And the reason that I'm doing that is that I'm going to expose the system for what it's done to me.

“I bet you can't believe I'm still in can you? I'm 70 years old. I've never murdered anyone; I've never raped anyone.
“What am I in jail for? People don't believe it. They think I'm a serial killer.
“It's all coming out in the wash, my side of the story, and the truth is mate, it's going to shock the planet.
“Between you and me I can still do 95 press-ups in 30 seconds, so I'm still the guv'nor. Good luck, your old china Charlie.”
Bronson – who changed his name to Charles Salvador in 2014 – was first imprisoned for armed robbery when he was just 22.
His initial seven-year sentence was extended due to his attacks on guards and other inmates, and it wasn't long after he was released in 1987 that he was back behind bars, where he’s remained to this day.
Topics: Charles Bronson, UK News