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Man swipes as many phones as possible in 40 seconds to 'prove how easy it is for thieves'

Man swipes as many phones as possible in 40 seconds to 'prove how easy it is for thieves'

He stole a bunch of phones to demonstrate how easy it can be to snatch it out of someone's hand

A parkour expert stole a bunch of people's phones in the city centre of Manchester to prove how quickly it can be done.

In the past, Adam Marr has landed himself in a spot of bother by jumping onto the wrong roof and stranding himself atop a slippery surface, but now he's coming for your phones.

The 31-year-old went running around Manchester city centre and filmed himself snatching the phones out of the hands of unsuspecting folk, and by the time they realised what had happened, he was already sprinting away.

Various clips of the parkour expert at work had him running past people and plucking the phones from their hand before making a quick getaway.

At one point, he evades one of the people he's robbed by leaping across a canal, then leaping back across when they caught up with him.

Adam Marr wanted to show how easy it was to swipe phones (Kennedy News and Media)
Adam Marr wanted to show how easy it was to swipe phones (Kennedy News and Media)

Elsewhere, he grabs a phone and then jumps over a canal before going through a gate and escaping into a field.

The parkour expert has been at it for 16 years, but he only recently decided to start grabbing people's phones after reading a report from the Met Police which said that, in 2022, a phone was stolen every six minutes in London.

He said: "I saw that one phone is stolen every six minutes in the UK so I tried to do it in one video.

"It shows how easy it is for someone to just come over and snatch your phone and I could do that for real.

"Some people hated the video because it looks like it's promoting crime.

"It took about 10 attempts because I wanted people in the shot at the right time and some lad even shouted at me thinking I'd robbed a phone."

In his video he grabbed six phones in 40 seconds of footage, showing how easy it was to steal valuable gadgets (Kennedy News and Media)
In his video he grabbed six phones in 40 seconds of footage, showing how easy it was to steal valuable gadgets (Kennedy News and Media)

Before you start worrying that Adam has been committing a bunch of crimes for the sake of content, he instead got friends to sit around holding out £3,500 worth of phones for him to grab.

That didn't stop some bystanders from thinking he'd genuinely swiped people's phones, and some people in the comments thought he was 'gonna go jail, you are'.

They had to be told it wasn't a crime to hire actors and pretend to rob their phones off them, and someone else said the parkour expert was 'just showing how easy it is for us to lose them' and suspected that 'no phones were lost during the making of this film'.

You'd chuffing well hope not.

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: UK News, Crime, Phones