Topics: News, Food And Drink, Health
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Topics: News, Food And Drink, Health
A doctor has finally settled the age-old argument as to whether you should keep sauce and other condiments in the fridge or pantry.
News Corp columnist Dr Zac Turner answered the number one question that has been keeping us all up at night.
When asked by a reader where some of our favourite condiments, including tomato sauce, peanut butter and raspberry jam, go, the doctor laid out his verdict.
He wrote: “There are two ways to look at this debate.
"One way is to be a reasonable human being and accept that we all have preferences and that’s just OK.
"The other way is to be like most people and take a shallow attitude and demand to know which way is correct.
“Jo, I hope you are sitting down for this, because I’m afraid to tell you that tomato sauce, Vegemite and peanut butter do not need to be refrigerated.”
Yikes, this is bound to start some household fights.
He added that tomato sauce and similar condiments, such as BBQ sauce and mustard, don’t need to be refrigerated due to their ‘high acidity and processing’.
I know what you’re thinking, friends, but what about after they’re opened? However, Dr Turner maintains that they still don’t need to be refrigerated as very little bacteria grows.
Dr Turner added that Vegemite and peanut butter don’t contain much water; meaning bacteria are less likely to grow.
However, he insists on following the condiments' labels to know the best place for storage.
Also, if you’ve fallen victim to food poisoning, it could be due to storing your food products in the wrong place.
While the food might smell and look normal, he told readers it could still grow bacteria such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria, Norovirus or Rotavirus, and E.Coli.
He added: “Food storage is particularly dangerous as if it is done incorrectly bacteria can multiply to dangerous levels.
"Food poisoning bacteria grows and multiplies the fastest in the temperature zone of 5 degrees Celsius and 60 degrees Celsius. Ensuring your refrigerator stays below this is important to keep potential pathogen growth reduced.”
So you’ve been warned people, check your fridge and the labels!