While many of us just grit our teeth and resentfully fork out a small fortune whenever we're landed with a driving offence - one man took it upon himself to go full medieval in a desperate attempt to get off the speeding conviction.
The hopeful motorist was caught speeding at 58mph in a 50mph zone through temporary road works back in December of last year.
However, when a Warwickshire Magistrates Court sentenced the 28-year-old driver to a hefty £660 fine earlier this month (8 June), he referred to 'medieval rights and customs' to avoid any legal obligation.
The court also issued the man six points on his licence, £90 costs and a £264 victim surcharge amounting to over £1000 for 'failing to give information relating to the identity of the driver when required in relation to a speeding offence'.
The driver in question received a Notice of Intended Prosecution - a piece of documentation which required him to confirm the identity of the driver at the time of offence.

Trying to find a creative, and incredibly bizarre, way around the ordeal - the driver collated and sent over a whole bunch of paperwork quoting 'medieval laws and customs'.
Not only that, but the bloke also demanded 'millions of pounds' all in an attempt to avoid the steep fine and license points.
Inspector Dave Valente has since issued a statement on the matter, explaining: "Let me be clear, all drivers on UK roads are subject to the statutory requirements of the Road Traffic Act.
"This includes driving licences, vehicles being MOT’d, insured and taxed. It also means complying with the speed limit, and the consequences of failing to do so."
The inspector continued: "Drivers who respond with extensive demands based on ancient medieval customs, will not evade prosecution."
"Our aim is to make our roads safer for everyone and that includes ensuring drivers comply with the speed limit," Valente went on.
"We would much prefer to educate and change behaviour first, and for drivers to attend a speed awareness course where eligible – you can do one every three years if the excess speed is within a threshold– but this driver gave us no choice and the case was sent to court."

The official admitted it was 'really sad' that the dodgy driver is now required to hand over '£1000 in various court costs', alongside those pesky six extra points added to his licence 'when he was eligible for a speed awareness course outcome instead'.
Surprisingly, however, according to Valente this 'is not a one-off case'.
He explained: "We have noticed an increase in those who quote this type of material, to avoid the consequence of a speeding offence.
"This driver found out the hard way, trying to avoid a speeding prosecution could cost them a lot more, than responding in accordance with the Road Traffic Act."
Talk about wishful thinking!