An expert has warned against buying petrol and diesel cars in light of the UK government's plans to crack down on vehicle emissions.
While many buying their first car are happy to settle with the cheapest, gas-guzzling vehicle out there, it's probably better to save up for an electric one.
Now, an expert has warned against buying petrol and diesel cars, and called any potential purchase 'not a smart financial decision'.

The ban on petrol and diesel cars comes as part of the government's 10-point plan to combat climate change and reach net zero emissions by 2050.
Officials are planning to ban the sale of new fossil fuel cars by 2030, while sales of new plug-in hybrids will be halted in 2035.
Fredrika Klaren, head of Sustainability at electric car brand Polestar, is now warning people off going for gas-powered cars.
"I think people can sense now that buying a fossil fuel car is not a smart financial decision," she told the Daily Express.
Klaren said she believes that this knowledge has started 'bubbling and trickling down to the consumers' but that 'big industry players' are sitting far off of their emission targets.
Consequently, the sustainability expert urged companies to do what they could to tackle the problem themselves.

Talking about her company's commitment to switching to electric vehicles, Klaren added: "We just feel like we’re future-proofing ourselves and doing what’s right for business... It’s surprising that not more business leaders can take these very important strategic decisions at this point.
"When industries are moving too slow and when Governments are moving too slow, we really want to use the force of consumers... Transparency is one of the most fundamental things we look at when it comes to sustainability."
The company has been consistently sharing reports on its carbon footprint since 2020.

Transparency is an important step for all car manufacturers, even those that produce electric vehicles like Polestar.
If you're wondering why the electric car brand is publishing sustainability reports, considering they don't use fossil fuels, it's because electric car batteries still produce CO2 in production.
This is something the company is planning to tackle, as it pursues a goal of a complete carbon neutral car by 2030.
The brand states: "Polestar is determined to improve the society we live in, using design and tech to accelerate the change to sustainable, electric mobility."
So, if you weren't already considering buying electric, you probably should be, because fossil fuel cars won't be sold in years to come.
Also, electric cars are way less noisy.
Topics: Global Warming, Cars, UK News