See a fin or big pair of teeth coming towards you through the water? A TikTok expert has explained why you should never try to swim away from a shark if you come face to face with one.
Certified PADI and shark safety divemaster @mermaid.kayleigh has a TikTok account with 1.9m followers, inviting followers to 'Love the ocean with me.'
In one of her videos, posted in August of last year, she demonstrates what you should do if you come face to face with a shark in the ocean - and it might not be what you think.

Opening with the words: 'Don't act like prey,' the video sees @andriana_marine swimming away from an advancing shark.
She then unexpectedly turns and faces the predator head-on, touching it on the nose as it reaches her and turns away.
The caption reads: "Just like bears & other #predators we are taught to #maintaineyecontact, yell, get large, back away slowly… it’s the same with sharks!
"They are not the man-eating monsters the media portrays & typically want nothing to do with humans. So much so that just pushing on their head is enough to deter."

Andriana also shared the video saying: "Running away from a shark like this will cause them to be more interested and think you are prey.
"If you ever see a shark, standing your ground, and making eye contact are huge behaviours to show them you are an aware and strong predator.
"Physical deterrence is always a last resort and I would never suggest to do this unless you absolutely needed to for your safety. Always making sure you are pushing down firmly on the sharks."
Comments varied from respect with one user commenting: "This gotta be one of the most amazing feelings in the world."
While others' fear of sharks and the ocean could never.
One joked: "How do we know this isn't the shark posting this?"
Topics: News, Animals, Environment