A stubborn family who basically built a second house on their driveway is determined to keep it.
Look, we're all for a bit of home DIY, but getting approval to build a garage and then making a mini two-story home might be taking the p**s.
Still, the homeowners from Highgate, Birmingham, are pretty set on keeping the property and to be fair, it does look pretty nice.
The whole thing started back in 2019 when the family was approved to build a garage on their driveway.
The family appealed, saying that there were only 'minor differences' between the structure that was approved and the one they built.

However, Planning Inspector Thomas Shields was having none of it, saying: "The approved plans for the garage show a single-story detached garage with a footprint of 5.3m x 4.6m and a height of 3.6m.
"It was also shown having a standard garage door to the front and no windows on any elevation.
"In comparison with the approved garage, the appeal building has a footprint of approximately 8.7m x 4.7m and a height of 5.3m
"Consequently, it is substantially larger than the approved building. It is not a minor difference."
To their defence, it does look really nice but something looking nice doesn't mean the council like it and they gave the family until July this year to tear the whole thing down.

But, the eagle-eyed amongst you will notice that we wouldn't be writing this story if they'd torn the thing down.
If the walls of the sneaky mini house could talk they'd sing Elton John's smash hit: 'I'm still standing'.
And the family also doesn't seem to care, with one woman in the house telling The Sun: "Until the council gets in direct contact with us to tell us to demolish it, what we’re going to say to everyone is ‘f**k you because we’re going to keep it.
"And that’s that."

"No one around here has a problem with it. All the neighbours think it looks nice. It was a garage, we turned into a gym during Covid.
"The funny thing is when the council came to inspect it he saw all the gym equipment in there.
"There are punch bags in there, there are other gym machines."
Hey, at least it's being put to good use, we wonder if they're offering gym memberships.
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