Fishermen in Australia were forced to call it a day after reeling in three sharks that were bitten in two.
Professional angler Jason Moyce and his crew hooked a bronze-whaler and two hammerheads off the coast of Bermagui, in New South Wales - but each catch was killed before it made it to the boat.
Facebook/Trapman Bermagui Jason, who has a quota to catch smaller shark species, eventually decided to knock it on the head because there were too many 'big units' down below to compete with.
Speaking to 9 News, he said: "There were just too many big ones.
"They were down deep, I couldn't see them but I think they were tiger sharks."
Facebook/Trapman Bermagui While the photos may look pretty shocking to you and I - and Jason's Facebook followers - he wasn't too surprised, as it's 'happened lots of times in recent years', with tiger sharks and great whites often tailing his boat in the hope of an easy meal.
Facebook/Trapman Bermagui Last week, a British diving instructor was killed by a shark in Sydney.
Simon Nellist was mauled by the shark off Little Bay last Wednesday (16 February) in what was the first fatal attack in the city in 59 years.
In the hours after the attack, body parts were retrieved from the water, and search teams dropped green dye in the ocean in order to determine which way the currents were moving, in a bid to find more remains.
Based on footage supplied by a member of the public, government experts estimated the shark to be a great white at least three metres (10 feet) in length.
Nellist - who has been described as a 'kind, considerate man who loved life' - grew up in Cornwall before moving to Australia.
The 35-year-old was set to marry his fiancée Jessie Ho this summer.
His aunt, Jackie Seager, believes he wouldn't want the animal to suffer following his death.
She told MailOnline: "I don't think Simon would want the shark to be killed. He loved nature.
"He swam with sharks before.
"This isn't the first time he's gone out and seen them but he would still go out swimming. That's brave.
"I don't think he ever thought they would hurt him. Sadly, this time it managed to get to him.
"It's absolutely horrendous. We are all in shock."