It's probably not something that has ever really crossed your mind when thinking about what to wear for a flight, but apparently it's very important.
In a video posted to their TikTok account, a flight attendant going by the handle @tommycimato went over the top five things he thinks we should all know about air travel etiquette, from bathroom habits to catching some shut eye on the red eye. And shorts are a big no no:
Many of us like to put a bit of thought into what we're wearing while flying, in order to ensure we're at our comfiest while whizzing through the air.
Some people are organised enough to pack a number of garments in their cabin bag so they can change before disembarking, while others just try and keep it simple with something that's both cosy and appropriate enough for the outside world when we step off the plane.
But according to Cimato, the one thing you want to avoid is shorts.
He said: "Don't or try not to wear shorts when you're on an airplane. It's the same thing as the window, you never know how clean it's gonna be, so if you have pants, you're gonna have less germs."
So if you don't want your uncovered skin picking up germs, jeans might be a safer bet.
Reeling off a list of other plane tips, he added: "Do not ever touch the flush button with your bare hands. It's honestly just super unsanitary and pretty gross, so when you flush, use a napkin or tissue that's in the lavatory.
"Don't forget to drink water. Stay hydrated. You wanna have about 16oz for every flight you go on, so keep that in mind.

"Do not fall asleep or lean your head on the window. You are not the only that has done that and you don't know how many people or children have wiped their hands or other things all over the window.
"Don't feel afraid to let a flight attendant know if you're feeling sick. So if you need food, water, or an air sickness bag, please feel free to let us know."
The moral of the story here is basically don't touch a thing while you're on a flight, because it's likely that it's just filthy.
But I guess we all already knew that, didn't we?

While we're on the topic of air travel, though, another flight attendant shared their top tip for getting pampered while onboard.
Kat Kamalani (who is on TikTok as @katkamalani) often shares videos explaining what life as a flight attendant is like, revealing everything from things we shouldn't do while travelling to the specialist lingo used by staff on board.
In a post, Kamalani said there's one thing that will help you get treated well by cabin crew, saying in the caption: "Your flight will change DRAMATICALLY."
In the video Kamalani told viewers: "If you do this one simple thing on an aircraft, I promise you, you will get the royal treatment from the flight attendants.
"Being a flight attendant is exhausting. You're always in different time zones, waking up crazy hours, and dealing with angry customers.

"So I promise you, the next time you fly, if you want special treatment from the flight attendants this is all you have to do."
Kamalani explained that a little token of appreciation will get you a long way, advising people to buy staff a $5 (£3.60) Starbucks gift card or a sweet treat.
She continued: "$5 Starbucks gift cards - it means the world to us when a customer gives us this.
"And if you don't have gift cards, you can just pick up some candy bars, lip balm, anything and give them to your flight attendants.
"We will know where you're sitting, and we will know what you look like and the whole crew will make sure you are taken care of."
Topics: TikTok, Travel, Plane Etiquette