As any self-respecting drinker knows, there's a lot of choice out there when it comes to beer.
Whether it's chocolate, strawberry, strong or bitter flavoured, there's almost certainly a beer for everyone, and one lad was determined to discover what his girlfriend likes.
The journey to her preferred beer was far from smooth, however, as you can see below:
The woman's boyfriend decided to let her try beer after beer until she found her favourite, and he documented the whole thing in a now-viral TikTok.
The video voiceover said: "Getting my gf to try beers until she enjoys them."
The hilarious video showed the young woman's reaction to beers she wasn't exactly impressed by until she's eventually enjoying a pint like a pro.
The vid has been viewed over three million times since it was first posted in August of this year.
While it does take more than a few beers for the woman to find one that's not got her squinting in disgust, the beer she eventually decided that she liked shocked the internet.

She was so impressed with a pint of Carling of all things that she smiled a toothy grin and gave her boyfriend, who goes by Joe on TikTok, a big thumbs up.
However, her choice of beer left booze fans on the internet triggered, to say the least.
Reacting to the viral sampling video, one viewer wrote alongside a crying emoji: "Going to all that trouble to end up with a thumbs up on a Carling."
"If she likes Carling I think we can safely conclude that she doesn't like beer," added a second.
"And she settled for Carling I’m so disappointed," wrote a third, while a fourth added: "The one that tastes most like nothing, makes sense really!"
Alongside multiple crying emoji, another woman cried: "I watched this whole video for her to choose CARLING."
However, a sixth viewer came to the conclusion that no one actually likes beer.
"Nobody really likes beer," they wrote. "I've been necking it for 30+ years now and it still takes me 1.5 pints before I stop pulling many of the faces she pulls in that vid.
"I mean some taste nicer than others and on a hot day it is heavenly. But none of it is actually what you'd term 'nice'."
But while the internet might have been triggered by this woman's favourite beer, Carling is more popular than these comments would have you believe.
According to the Morning Advertiser, Carling was the best selling beer of 2021.
So maybe people aren't exactly being honest about their preferred tipple.
Topics: Food And Drink