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Grandma's Dying Wish Was For There To Be A Giant D*ck On Her Grave

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Grandma's Dying Wish Was For There To Be A Giant D*ck On Her Grave

This grandma made a legendary dying wish for a giant d*ck statue to be erected over her grave.

As we get closer and closer to the end of our lives many of us will start thinking about the way we want to be remembered.

They say you're not really gone as long as people are still around to say your name, and if that's true then Catarina Orduña Pérez is going to be around for a very long time.

Part of what we leave behind is the physical marker of our life, often taking the form of a gravestone recording our name and the time we were alive.

For Catarina, a 99-year-old grandma, she decided to leave a more distinctive mark on the world that'll leave people remembering her for years to come.

The penis monument on Catarina Orduña Pérez's grave.
Hoy Informativo HI

You see, this grandma's dying wish was for a giant statue of a cock and balls to be mounted on top of her gravestone.

As Vice reports, a giant d*ck statue has now been erected atop her grave – just as she always wanted.

Weighing almost 600 pounds, the massive stone member has been called a 'recognition of her love and joy for life'.

Catarina's grandson Álvaro Mota Limón told Vice his grandma liked calling her family 'verga', a Mexican slang word most accurately translated to 'cock' in English.

Depending on how it's used it can be the most vicious of insults or a compliment, uplifting something as cool.

Álvaro says when she was throwing the word at her family she meant it to mean they were people of 'integrity, courage, passion, and at the same time, love and joy'.

He said: "She wanted to break the paradigm of everything Mexican, where things are sometimes hidden because of not having an open mind.

"She was always very avant-garde, very forward-thinking about things."

The monument weighs almost 600 pounds.
Hoy Informativo HI

Catarina, known also as Doña Cata, grew up in poverty and was not able to go to school as a child, but nonetheless became an important person in Misantla, with local politicians coming to visit her.

Álvaro even became mayor of the town for a period of time, saying his grandma taught her family they could be anything they wanted and inspired them to get education and skilled jobs.

She died on 20 January 2021, and her family decided to honour her dying wish – if grandma wanted to have a giant d*ck on her grave then grandma was going to get a giant d*ck on her grave.

The nearly 600 pounds worth of genitalia has proved to be a hit with the locals ever since it was erected.

Meanwhile, Isidro Lavoignet, the engineer who led the team which built the giant stone d*ck, has been sent some unusual requests from other families who want their beloved relatives to have personalised gravestones.

He's already been asked by another family to build a grave shaped like a dump truck for someone who worked in construction.

Featured Image Credit: Hoy Informativo HI

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