A health expert has flagged three lesser known changes to your body which could indicate skin cancer.
According to Cancer Research UK, around 156,000 people are diagnosed with a non-melanoma skin cancer each year, while a further 17,500 receive a melanoma diagnosis.
It has also been reported that about 86 percent of melanomas are preventable, with health experts urging people to educate themselves on the dangers of ultraviolet (UV) exposure in order to minimise their risk.
When it comes to treating cancer, doctors stress the importance of early intervention and treatment, with a spokesperson for Usay Compare recently telling The Mirror: "Early detection can significantly improve treatment outcomes and prevent the progression of skin cancer to advanced stages."
Below are three lesser-known changes to the body which you should be keeping an eye out for:
Colourless moles

Moles are one of the most well-known warning signs of skin cancer, with the ABCDE - asymmetrical, border, colour, diameter and evolving - being a commonly used rule of thumb for identifying concerning moles in the skin.
When it comes to cancerous moles, most people think of moles which are black or dark brown and have an angry appearance, however colourless moles can also be concerning.
Colourless moles can be a warning sign of early stage melanoma, meaning that it's important to keep track of any new moles and see a GP if you're concerned.
Chapped lips

Most of us will suffer from chapped lips from time to time, specifically during the winter months.
However, if you suffer from persistent dryness in the lips which aren't improved by moisturising treatments, this could be a sign of a precancerous condition called Actinic Cheilitis.
Chapped lips accompanied by other concerning symptoms such as changes in pigmentation and persistent sores.
Actinic Cheilitis (AC) is caused by persistent long-term exposure to UV light. While AC is not cancerous in itself, the condition can often turn into malignant leading to squamous cell carcinoma.
Discoloured nails
Keep an eye out for changes or discolouration in your nails. (Getty Stock Image)

Changes and discolouration in the nails is another warning sign of certain skin cancers, particularly melanomas.
The most concerning nail change to look out for is the sudden appearance of a dark streak or line running vertically down your nail from the nail bed to the tip.
These lines are known scientifically as melanonychia, and can be a warning sign for melanoma.
Other warning signs to look out for in your nails include changes to colour, texture irregular pigmentation and splits, cracks or deformities in the nail.
While these symptoms can be a warning sign of cancer it's important to remember that this is not always the case and - when in doubt - you should get yourself checked over by a healthcare professional.