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Doctor reveals the colour of your pee could be red flags for serious health conditions

Doctor reveals the colour of your pee could be red flags for serious health conditions

Your pee colour can say a lot about your health, not just your hydration

Did you know the colour of your pee could actually be a reflection of your overall health?

One doctor in the US has explained how the shade of your urine can actually reveal a lot about your wellbeing.

Most of us know that the colour of our urine can often be a result of something we've eaten - or if we haven't been drinking enough water.

"If it's too clear and it looks like water, that could mean that you're drinking a little bit too much and you're over-hydrated," said Dr Janine Bowring on TikTok.

"If it looks too dark, so if it's looking like maple syrup, that could be an indication of dehydration - you've gotta drink more.

"So, my tips are always stay properly hydrated and take care of your kidney health because as we age, this is really important."

According to Healthline, the different colours and shades of your urine can say a lot about your health...


You might be surprised to know that having very clear urine is a sign that you're actually drinking too much water.


Pale yellow is pretty much the perfect colour for 'normal' urine. It generally means that you're drinking the right amount of water.

Dark yellow

If your pee is dark yellow, you're probably dipping into the dehydrated category.

Start supping that water!

Your pee can say a lot about your health (Getty Stock Photo)
Your pee can say a lot about your health (Getty Stock Photo)


Orange urine indicates dehydration, but it's also worth noting that some medications and vitamins can also cause the urine to appear orange.

Dark orange or brown

Dark orange - or even brown - urine can be a sign of severe dehydration, but according to Healthline, it can indicate more serious issues, such as a problem with the liver.

Dark brown or black

When the urine becomes dark brown, or black, it's generally a sign that there are health issues at play, such as liver disease.

Pink or red

Pink or red urine usually indicates the presence of blood. There are a number of reasons for having blood in the urine.

It can be caused by infection, inflammation, trauma, kidney or bladder stones, or in some cases, cancer.

It's important to note that eating certain foods can also cause a pink tint in the urine, including beetroot and rhubarb.

There are a number of different factors that can influence the colour of your pee (Getty Stock photo)
There are a number of different factors that can influence the colour of your pee (Getty Stock photo)

Blue or green

Certain foods or medication can cause blue or green urine. However, a urinary tract infection (UTI) can also cause green pee in some cases.


Cloudy urine often indicates a UTI.


White urine can indicate a condition called chyluria. This is a rare condition in which lymphatic fluid leaks into the kidneys.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/j9naturally/Getty Stock Image

Topics: Health