Most of us know the basics when it comes to cleaning our teeth - brush them twice a day and for at least two minutes.
But now, one dentist has revealed a common mistake most of us make during our teeth-cleaning routines, and we can't believe we didn't know this already.

As well as brushing, you might also use other products like mouthwash and floss, but did you know the order in which you use these products is actually really important?
Dr Shaadi Manouchehri - who goes by @drshaadimanouchehri on TikTok - shared a video explaining what to use and in which order.
"Everyone always argues about which goes first," said Dr Shaadi.
"I'm a dentist and I'm going to tell you exactly which order to use your products in your oral hygiene routine."

Shockingly, Dr Shaadi explained that you should never use mouthwash after you've brushed your teeth, explaining it's the 'one time you shouldn't use it'.
Mouthwash should be used before brushing, or at a different time.
In a similar way, dental floss should also be used before brushing.
"This is to get all the gunk and debris out so that when you brush your teeth you can concentrate on cleaning the leftover bits of debris and bacteria that's on your teeth," said Dr Shaadi.
And when it comes to the main event of actually brushing your teeth, the dentist reminded followers not to rinse your mouth after you've finished brushing, but to leave the toothpaste to work its magic.
"Brush for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste, don't rinse out, leave the fluoride on the teeth to be able to protect them and make them physically stronger," she said.
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral which can be found in the water and is added to most toothpastes due to its apparent ability to prevent tooth decay.
It is also recommended that you spit out your toothpaste instead of swallowing it.
People in the comments were blown away by the video, with many not realising the recommended order.
One person explained: "I like flossing, mouthwash, then brush bc I feel like the mouthwash really helps get in the inter proximal areas and loosen more gunk after the flossing."
And a second said: "So no rinsing after brushing? I never knew that. But why is that tho?"
While another asked: "I mean does the order really matter?"
Others agreed with Dr Shaadi's order, with someone else adding: "For me it’s floss to take out big parts of food, then tongue scraper, then irrigator/mouthwash for leftovers, then toothbrush to polish."