If you're lucky enough to have someone you love and not be left on your lonesome, then you'll have done plenty of thinking about your relationship.
There's all sorts of things to think about including remembering birthdays, keeping track of major milestones and ensuring that the spark is kept alive by continuing to do those little gestures of appreciation that mean the world.
You're also likely to be thinking about sex quite a bit, and having it plenty enough.
However, since comparison is the thief of joy and people are excellent at bringing their own mood down, you might be wondering how much sex you ought to be having and whether or not you measure up.

Fortunately, there are experts to tell you all about this sort of thing.
Appearing on the Diary of a CEO Podcast, urologist and pelvic surgeon Dr. Rena Malik spoke about how much sex a couple should be having.
She said that people might believe a 'big myth' that other couples were having more sex than them.
"There's no ideal number, but when you look at studies which have looked at large numbers of people, people who are in partnered relationships are having sex about once a week on average.
"If they're in partnered relationships where sex is always available, but it's so variable person to person.

"What I really like to say is it's not the quantity of sex that matters, it's the quality of sex.
"If you're having good sex once a month that may be sufficient for you rather than having mediocre of bad sex four times a month, or 10 times a month even.
"Ultimately there's no right number, it's really what's right for you and I think focusing on some benchmark of sex is actually harmful because now you're like 'I need to have sex this many times'."
The doc went on to say there were a lot of benefits to be had from sex and having orgasms, and that was the more important part that took precedence over quality.
So there you have it folks, trying to figure out if other couples are fornicating than you is a fruitless endeavour.
What you should instead be trying to do is ensure that you're having good sex rather than hitting some kind of target for it.
If your bedroom badoinking is being crunched down to a numbers game then it's not really starting off on the right foot.
Asking that special someone in your life to have sex because you've got a weekly average to hit is really not the right way to get the mood going.
Happy f**king!
Topics: Sex and Relationships, Health