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NHS doctor says one diet can cut risk of cancer, dementia and heart disease

NHS doctor says one diet can cut risk of cancer, dementia and heart disease

There is one regional diet that stands above the rest as the healthiest, apparently

A doctor has revealed the one diet that can cut our overall risk of life threatening diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

The NHS doctor is a practicing GP in London and highlighted that diets are key for maintaining long-term health, as well as pointing out how bad ones can cause 'a huge number of deaths'.

Dr. Rupy Aujla has chosen to speak about the importance of food in our lives as massive pressure is put on the NHS after people eat poorly throughout their lives, causing problems later down the line.

Last week, the health professional spoke to Masterchef judge Gregg Wallace on the program, and discussed how food can improve your mental and physical health.

Diet is key to long-term health. (Getty Stock Photo)
Diet is key to long-term health. (Getty Stock Photo)

Dr. Aujla spoke about how dementia is the 'number one killer' in the UK, calling it a 'silent epidemic' which could be helped by a healthier diet.

The expert also touched upon cancer, explaining: "Cancer, which is an umbrella term for a number of different cancers, many of which have different causes for the but in general, as part of a World Cancer Research fund study, 30 to 40 percent of cancers can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

The link between poor diet and health problems

"Poor diet is responsible for a huge number of deaths, a huge amount of ill health that we see within the NHS. For example, it costs about 20% of the NHS budget, which is the equivalent of about £20 billion per annum with obesity, which is the main thing people think about with nutrition," he revealed.

However, there is one diet, backed up by studies, which he says reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, heart disease, dementia and cancer.

Mediterranean food might be the way forwards. (Getty Stock Photo)
Mediterranean food might be the way forwards. (Getty Stock Photo)

The Mediterranean diet

Dr. Aujla revealed a trail that took place 20 years ago, that is now referred to as the 'pre Med': "A lot of people might have heard of it, and that showed that a Mediterranean style diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular events by 30 percent."

Apparently, a Mediterranean style diet is the best way to cut the probability of a number of health issues, as it consists of things like nuts, fish and good quality fats such as extra virgin olive oil, meat and a wide range of greens, he said on his podcast, A Piece of Cake.

The 'most powerful medical tool'

Back on Masterchef, he called food 'one of the most powerful medical tools' that we have, with a number of serious conditions stemming from poor nutrition as well as the management pathway beforehand.

"There's a high risk of cardio metabolic disease. So that's a fancy word for saying cardiac disease Type two diabetes, which we know is hugely detrimental and puts you at further risk of things like dementia, but also the quality of life as well. There's also a link between poor mental health and poor metabolic health as well," the doctor explained.

Because of the range of healthy foods in the Mediterranean diet, it is considered one of the most balanced out there. (Getty Stock Photo)
Because of the range of healthy foods in the Mediterranean diet, it is considered one of the most balanced out there. (Getty Stock Photo)

He also said that inflammation may have a relationship to different chronic diseases, but it's a key process used by your immune system to fight off pathogens.

The doctor explained further: "To fight off pathogens like bacteria and viruses is the reason why me and you can have this conversation in the middle of London and thrive when inflammation becomes excessive.

"That's when some problems occur, and this is usually referred to as meta inflammation or long term, slow burning inflammation. And that is the foundation for blood pressure issues."

Things such as fatigue, brain fog and pain have their roots in inflammation according to the medical expert, further highlighting the importance of a healthy diet, ad what we eat can affect how internally inflamed we can become.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Photos

Topics: Health, Lifestyle, NHS, Food And Drink