If you're experiencing random bruising and you've not knocked into anything recently, then there could be a common reason why this is happening.
Licensed naturopathic doctor Pedi Mirdamadi has revealed why some people appear to have bruising marks on their skin on a regular basis.
Taking to his TikTok page (@drpedinaturalhealth), the US-based doctor shared the two possible causes behind your bruises.

Why we get unexplained bruising
In a video from 2022, Dr Mirdamadi urges viewers to 'listen up' if they 'bruise easily'.
"Signs that I look for as a naturopathic doctor that tell me something is going on in the body," he began.
"Do you bruise really easily?
"Well, this could be due to a deficiency in iron B12 or vitamin C.
"So you may want to discuss these possibilities with your doctor."
Often, your GP should be able to prescribe you with tablets that can restore the deficiency in both cases.
The NHS say that symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia is caused by a lack of iron, often due to blood loss or pregnancy.
Whereas a lack of Vitamin C is also easy to fix by eating the right fruit and vegetables, or by taking vitamin C supplements.
When easy bruising can be sign of something more serious
According to the Mayo Clinic, easy bruising could indicate a 'serious underlying condition'.
Medical staff have warned that if you bruise easily, then you might have a blood clotting problem, or blood disease.
They have urged you to see your health care provider if you 'have frequent, large bruises, especially if your bruises appear on your trunk, back or face or seem to develop for no known reasons'.
Also if you 'have easy bruising and a history of excessive or prolonged bleeding, such as after a minor cut or during a surgical procedure', then that's something you need to look out for.
"Another serious cause of bruising is domestic violence or abuse," they noted.
"If a loved one has a bruise that can't be explained, particularly in an unusual location such as on the face, be aware of the possibility of abuse.
"To find the cause of your bruising, your health care provider will likely do a physical exam and ask questions about your symptoms and medical history.
"Your provider might also check your blood platelet levels or do tests that measure the time it takes your blood to clot."
If you are experiencing domestic violence, please know that you are not alone. You can talk in confidence to the national domestic violence helpline Refuge on 0808 2000 247, available 24/7, or via live chat, available 10am-10pm, Monday to Friday.