A psychiatrist has revealed the four questions you should ask yourself to determine whether you are a functional alcoholic.
Alcohol is a big part of our social lives, and if you’ve ever completed a dry Jan, you’ll know just how hard it can be to avoid giving into temptation.
Whilst you might not display the more serious signs of alcoholism, but sustain high levels of drinking, you might be what is known as a functional alcoholic.

Dr Iqbal Mohiuddi, a consultant psychiatrist at 25 Harley Street Day Clinic, has revealed four easy questions you can ask yourself, and if the answer to all four is ‘yes’, there might be something worth addressing.
In fact, talking to Healthista Dr Iqbal said: “If one or two of those are answered positively, it’s highly suggestive you could have a problem with alcohol.”
So, what are they?
C – Cutting down: Have you ever thought you should cut down on your drinking?
A – Annoyance: Do you ever get annoyed or angry when people tell you about your drinking?
G – Guilt: Do you feel guilty about your drinking or any aspect of its effects on yourself or other people?
E – Eye-opener: Do you feel the need to have a drink to feel better, especially in the mornings to calm your nerves.

Despite the warning, Dr Iqbal did note that these questions aren’t there to scare you, as your answer may be ‘yes’ without there being a problem at all.
The key is being aware and taking into consideration when it might be or become an issue.
He added: “The tipping point is usually when someone loses, or faces a very real fear of losing, someone they love because of their drinking.
“It’s almost always the thing that brings people to us.”
The psychiatrist noted that being honest with yourself is the first step, and then actions from there can look like a daily diary tracking your habits, analysing drunken behaviour, and most importantly seeking help from professionals.
Dr Iqbal does explain that the odd white lie to your doctor here and there about how many units of alcohol you consume is not a big deal.
Let’s be real, we’ve all been there.
But keeping an eye on problems developing and dependency, is where the real issues lie.
Please drink responsibly. If you want to discuss any issues relating to alcohol in confidence, contact Drinkline on 0300 123 1110, 9am–8pm weekdays and 11am–4pm weekends for advice and support
Topics: Alcohol, Food And Drink, Health, Mental Health