An expert has revealed the one sign to look out if you're concerned that you might be a high-functioning alcoholic.
As the weather (finally) begins to warm up across the UK, most of us will be heading out to enjoy the sunshine with a cold pint in a pub garden.
After all, 1 June signals the start of the summer months.
But are you aware of the signs that your drinking could be turning into a problem rather than something to enjoy responsibly?
If you're that you may becoming too reliant on your evening tipple an addiction expert has shared the key sign that you or a friend could be a high-functioning alcoholic - and it's something that you can spot at the pub.
Now most of us are probably guilty of taking drinks with friends a little too far every now and again, however if you're drinking heavily too often it can be a sign that you could be developing a problem.
What is a high-functioning alcoholic?
According to guidelines issued by the UK Addiction Treatment Centres, a functioning alcoholic is a 'person with an addiction to alcohol, but manages to go about their daily routine, therefore their drinking problem goes unseen'.

Key sign of someone being a high-functioning alcoholic
If you're concerned that your drinking habits could be becoming unhealthy, here is one simple sign you should be wary of.
According to the expert, the tell-tale sign of functional alcoholism is being unable to call it quits after one drink and instead finding excuses to stay out all night.
“Initially, they intend that they will just have one or possibly two, and they may sincerely wish to believe this and tell others in your company to reaffirm this belief,” the expert writes.
“But one will always turn into more as they will inevitably find an excuse to continue drinking, whether it be another round, chatting to a new person, or an offer on beverages such as ‘happy hour’.”

The expert went on to add that as a high-functioning alcoholic you may be aware of the issues in your relationship with drinking but could potentially make excuses to avoid talking about it due to 'deep rooted anxiety'.
Justifications often made by high-functioning alcoholics often include phrases such as 'I work so hard. I am entitled to have fun' or ' pay the bills, take my kids to school, and get to work on time. Alcoholics can’t do those things'.
If you relate to any of the topics in this article, support can be found on Drinkline on 0300 123 1110. The confidential service is available 9am–8pm weekdays and 11am–4pm weekends for advice and support.
Topics: Alcohol, Health, Food And Drink