Doctors, experts and even your nearest and dearest can tell you something until they are blue in the face, but it doesn't mean you will listen to their advice.
Sometimes, you've simply got to see it for yourself for the message to sink in - however, having Chris Hemsworth break it down for you can also work wonders too.
It seems that the combination of an illustrative animation and the Aussie's husky voice is exactly what the education system needs, as it's the only thing which has managed to get people really excited about the human body.
Or, more specifically, what effect fasting has on it. Take a look at this:
We've all heard about the supposed benefits of taking a break from stuffing food down your gullet at every opportunity, but I'll bet you had never understood it like that before.
For some reason, we all seem to much prefer a visual representation of what's going on inside of our bodies rather than just imagining it for ourselves after listening to a load of medical jargon.
Hearing Hemsworth dumb it down for us a bit - such as by swapping scientific terms such as 'senescent cells' for the much simpler 'zombie cells' - somehow hammers the message about fasting home ten times harder.
The short snippet is an extract from the 'Fasting' episode of the actor's Disney Plus documentary series Limitless, which saw him explore different ways that humans can live longer and healthier lives.
The 40-year-old might appear to be the epitome of physical fitness - I mean, have you seen him wield that hammer in Thor? - but he's always on the lookout for other tips and tricks to keep him in shape.

And while on his health journey for Limitless, Hemsworth came to the conclusion that you are what you eat...or don't.
As he prepared to embark on a four-day fast, where he had to survive on 'basically water and zero calories', the Marvel star decided to use the opportunity to remind his fans what the purpose of it actually is.
In the clip, he explains: "My food contains glucose, the fuel that feeds the trillions of healthy cells in my body. But that glucose also feeds something else...zombie cells.
"Old, damaged cells that have lingered beyond their useful life. By spewing toxic sludge, these zombies infect other healthy cells, speeding up the ageing process.
"Everything from hair loss and wrinkles, to the onset of arthritis, cancer and dementia.
"But what scientists have realised is, is that when we fast and cut off the supply of glucose, that zombie army is starved of energy which saps them of their power."

Hemsworth is referring to senescent cells and how glucose accelerates their deterioration - but as the Hollywood actor mentioned, without the supply of the sugar, they are a much tamer dragon to slay.
The Interceptor star continued: "When food is plentiful, our body stores excess energy in the form of fat under the skin and around the internal organs.
"When food is scarce, that fat is sent to the liver where it's turned into an alternative fuel source called a ketone.
"And it's these ketones which provide the emergency power source. Not only for our bodies, but also our brains."
Hemsworth isn't just all talk either, as in the third episode of Limitless, he worked alongside Dr Peter Attia while documenting his gruelling fast, which he described as the 'most difficult four days of his life'.
"I do know what I put in my body is important, but what I didn't know, is that the best thing I can eat if I want to live a long and healthy life is nothing," he said, hoping that he would unlock the anti-ageing powers fasting can promote.
But don't be disheartened if you hit a wall, as even this muscleman did - explaining that he felt 'light-headed, super weak and incredibly hungry' while also complaining that he was left exhausted after tackling the stairs or a short walk.
Dr Attia, who monitored the actor during the experiment, said of Hemsworth's fast: "I don't think Chris has found this to be a pleasant experience at all. But a big part of fasting is understanding why you're doing it.
"And that's the key to tolerating this thing: it's being able to focus on the motivation behind the fast."
Topics: Education, Chris Hemsworth, Health, Mental Health, Food And Drink, News