A heart surgeon who has been saving lives for the last 25 years has revealed what four items he avoids like the plague to protect his health.
Dr Jeremy London has treated thousands of patients throughout the course of his career, and along the way, he's picked up some priceless knowledge on the human body.
It's no secret that certain lifestyle choices are linked to chronic health conditions, however, this medic reckons a lot of people aren't aware that items we use everyday can also impact our wellbeing.

The US expert explained that his line of work has shown him just how important it is to be picky about what we put into our bodies, as your poor choices can end up biting you in the backside later on in life.
In a recent video shared to his YouTube channel (@drjeremylondon), he revealed what four things he avoids to ensure he stays in good health.
It might seem obvious that a heart surgeon wouldn't recommend smoking, but hearing it from Dr London might really hammer the point home once and for all.
Whether you're vaping or still old-school and sticking to cigarettes, you are putting yourself at risk of heart disease as well as cancer, lung disease and various other health problems.
And according to the medic, it's 'probably the single worst thing you can do for yourself'.
"Smoking directly injures the lining of blood vessels, increases the chance of atherosclerosis and blockages and causes cancer," he told his followers.
In the UK, smoking is the leading cause of preventable illness and death.

Although you might think swirling some mouthwash around your gob is innocent enough, research has revealed it might be doing you more harm than good.
Scientists found that gargling with some antibacterial forms of the stuff can actually wreak havoc on your oral health, and subsequently, on other areas of your body too.
Dr London explained mouthwash can kill off both harmful and beneficial bacteria in your mouth, which dually disrupts the balance in our gut.
"Specifically alcohol-based mouthwash," the expert said. "Our gut microbiome, or the good bacteria in our gut, begins in the mouth.
"So if you kill this bacteria, you can actually throw that out of balance."
Processed foods
You're never going to be a pillar of health if you're living off processed food 24/7, which is why Dr London wants to remind people that a good diet is the key to good health.
Although this kind of grub might be the easier and quicker option, it's going to take its toll eventually - and the NHS warns that overconsumption of this unhealthy stuff will put you at increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even bowel cancer.
"Limit or remove processed foods from your diet," Dr London said.
"You are what you eat - literally. The protein, fats and carbohydrates that you ingest give the energy and building blocks to every single cell in your body."

Not to be the bearer of bad news, but according to the medic, you should really stop hitting the booze.
Although some people reckon their nightly glass of wine does them some good, Dr London isn't so sure, as even small amounts will increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.
"I hate to tell you, but even moderate alcohol use is in question," he said in the clip. "It's toxic to every cell in your body.
"For me, personally, removing alcohol from my life has probably been one of the most transformative decisions I've made as an adult."
Social media users flooded the comment section with their thoughts on Dr London's advice - and it's safe to say a lot of people were surprised by mouthwash making his list.
One said: "I didn't know about alcohol based mouth wash...thanks Doc!"
Another wrote: "This is absolutely true...avoid all these things as much as you can."
A third added: "Just tossed my mouthwash out and starting to be more mindful of my diet."
A fourth chimed in: "As a heart patient, I approve of this message."
While a fifth commented: "All these are things I’ve learned to avoid. Do yourself a favour, especially if you are young, and realise that your health is really all you have."
Topics: YouTube, Health, Food And Drink, Alcohol, Lifestyle