Last month, 20-year-old Lockie Seddon suffered from a small cut on his lip which he thought nothing of, but just days later he was put into a coma he never woke up from.
Seddon, from Gippsland, Victoria in Australia, died on 24 November, a few days after the cut developed into a deadly infection. His family claim that medics dismissed the cut on his lip before it turned into a fatal brain infection.
Seddon tragically leaves behind his pregnant partner, Claire, 22 and their children, Mason, three, and Jax, two.
At first glance, the cut on Seddon's lip didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary, and according to his aunt Danielle Sherer, it was assumed to be a cut or a bite.

The day after, his family claimed a GP assured them nothing was wrong. But things took a tragic turn when Seddon awoke with his eyes 'bulging out of his head'.
He was rushed to hospital where he was put into a coma. Although he was transferred to Royal Melbourne Hospital, he tragically never woke up.
His final words to his partner were: "I'm dying."
Seddon is believed to have suffered from a golden staph infection which spread to his brain.
Sherer recalled: "It just started with a little cut on his lip and the GP said it's like a bite or something.
"He was healthy one day, right? Had a little thing on his lip, and the next day, that was it.
"The ICU specialist that was looking after Lockie said that he has never seen a golden staph infection do this."
What is golden staph?

Golden staph is a common bacteria that usually resides on the skin or in the nose.
It's usually harmless and resides on about 30 percent of people. However, if it enters the body through a wound or injury, it can cause an infection.
Symptoms of infection include boils, pimples and abscesses.
More severe signs of illness include food poisoning, pneumonia and toxic shock syndrome.
Doctors have said that there is nothing the family could have done differently.
Sherer added: "The doctors said there were no signs missed and there was nothing anyone could have done, it was already too late. That was really good for Claire to hear as she blamed herself. She still does."
His aunt has since set up a GoFundMe page to help the family pay for funeral costs.

Speaking of her nephew, Sherer said: "When it came to being a dad, those kids were Lockie's entire world.
"He as a very cheeky young man and a really hands-on dad. You could just tell how much his boys loved him.
"They would wrestle and playfight, they just adored him. It breaks my heart that they will never have that again. When Claire fell pregnant, we all couldn’t believe that they finally got their little girl. He was over the moon. We just can’t believe this has happened."
So far, just over $6,000 has been raised on the GoFundMe page.