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Man who quit drinking for 500 days reveals 'intimate' changes that happened to his body

Man who quit drinking for 500 days reveals 'intimate' changes that happened to his body

It definitely changed his life in ways he hadn't expected

A man who quit drinking opened up on the impact it had on him once he'd reached 500 days without alcohol.

Mark Manson, the author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and Everything is F*cked, took to YouTube and explained that throughout his 20s and early 30s he'd developed a reputation as a 'party guy'.

Things were going pretty well in his life as he was a successful author with a vibrant social life, but then it was all change for the guy.

"My life had changed, my values had changed and more than anything else my metabolism had changed," Mark explained, saying that he gained a lot of weight and his 'body and mind couldn't handle the booze any more'.

He cut out a lot of drinks from his weekly intake and soon recognised how bad alcohol was making him feel.

He went from being 'drunk a few times a week, every week' to realising what it was like out of the cycle of being drunk and hungover.

His life improved hugely after he decided to quit drinking. (YouTube/Mark Manson)
His life improved hugely after he decided to quit drinking. (YouTube/Mark Manson)

Before long he was seeing the benefits, including losing some weight and getting much better sleep at night.

He also found that he was saving a lot of money when he went out.

Feeling more productive and less stressed, Mark felt a lot more like he could focus much more and was no longer riding a 'rollercoaster of emotion' when it came to trying to work.

Like many others who've walked this road he found that some of his friends didn't approve of the change but in the end he reckons he's got 'fewer, but better friends'.

Discovering that some things he thought were his hobbies weren't actually as fun without alcohol, Mark reckoned he appeared to have become more boring but was actually much more satisfied with his life.

Then there's the more intimate changes, and the author spared us the more private details as he instead clutched a length of pipe and remarked on how strong it was.

"This is a strong pile, like a strong, firm, solid pipe. Definitely stronger than my old pipe," he said as he clutched the stiff length of metal in his hands and worked it around while voicing his admiration for its strength.

"Wife seems very happy with this pipe."

While a strong pipe is certainly the ideal for better plumbing and one would likely feel far more confident about it doing the job once slotted into place, I have no idea what it's got to do with this 'better sex' he said he was having.

Still, he seems to think it's going well.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Mark Manson

Topics: Health, Alcohol, Lifestyle