A man who has been drinking since it was legal for him to do so has documented what happened after he gave up the booze for 30 days.
YouTuber Evan, who runs The SAHD Life channel, wanted to see if he could go a month without a sip of alcohol, and the results seriously surprised him.
The content creator said he felt a number of benefits, recounting what it was like during his 'fast' and how he felt afterwards.

Stable mood
The stay-at-home-dad said his mood became a lot more stable and he was a lot more patient with his children after four weeks.
"But my ability to cope and deal with stress is way greater than I would have ever guessed," he explained.
"And instead of at the end of the day, looking forward to booze and having that as my reward, my brain is like releasing endorphins when I choose not to drink.
"It's weird, feels good and all month I've been actually drinking tea. Me, drinking tea. Who am I?
"I like it, I like how I feel."
The taste of alcohol changed

When Evan drank again after his 30-day break, he said the taste was completely different.
"So we made it. I felt great, and to be honest, I was a little scared of breaking my fast so to speak," he said.
"But we knew we kind of had to see what happens.
"So we celebrated by having two drinks, they tasted like crap and made my brain foggy.
"I couldn't wait to sober up, interesting, right?"
Hanging out with friends more
When he was drinking regularly, the dad said he would avoid seeing friends because he didn't have the energy.
But now, his approach to his social life has changed.
"A week went by and we didn't even want to drink during the week, but on the Friday we were hanging out with our old drinking buddies," he said.
"Only this time, my wife and I didn't drink.
"And you know what? We still had fun hanging out with them.
"Not only that, we felt great in the morning and had energy to take the kids somewhere fun."
Picking up new hobbies and having more energy
"Now all of a sudden it was mid-December, I was feeling good, I'm reading books, I'm learning and practicing mindfulness, I'm doing all kinds of things I always wanted to do, but would usually make excuses for," he said.
"I am realising the more I take care of my body, the happier I am and the more energy I have.
"Hanging out with people is actually more fun for me now, when I have alcohol in my life I think I avoid people a bit.
"Now all of a sudden, I'm calling random people and wanting to engage face to face anytime throughout the day."
Topics: Alcohol, Food And Drink, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Parenting