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Scientists left with major concern after average penis size increases by ‘24%’

Scientists left with major concern after average penis size increases by ‘24%’

There are numerous health concerns that have come with the increase in average manhood size

Scientists have been left concerned after average penis size has increased by 24 percent.

Sorry to ruin your evening lads, but it looks like science has had its say with regards to manhood size once again as the goalposts continue to move.

Health experts in the past have weighed in with their takes on what the average penis size is based on their own research and findings.

But it seems that the figure known as average across the world has changed over the last three decades due to some new findings - and it may be bad news for some.

Dr Jen Caudle made a TikTok in 2023 that claimed that the average flaccid penis size was 3.61 inches (9.17cm), with the size of an erect penis being 5.17 inches (13.13cm), which made her 200,000+ followers happy on the whole.

While others have revealed how to tell how much a man is packing by certain parts of the body that are actually readily visible, as one expert said that according to a Japanese study, the size of a man's nose can be indicative of what's downstairs.

One that's more well known, is by the length of one's index finger, proving the old schoolboy belief that the length between your thumb in index shows the length of your Johnson.

But brace yourselves as some surprising findings have been published in the World Journal of Men's Health by researchers from Stanford University.

Average penis size has increased by 24 percent (Getty Stock Photo)
Average penis size has increased by 24 percent (Getty Stock Photo)

The study involved 55,000 (willingly participating) men getting their members measured, which led to a discovery that is sure to shake the world - maybe.

It found that, on average, penis size across the world has seen a huge 24 percent increase over just 29 years - which has left scientists worried.

Back in 1992, the average penis size was 12.19cm, though in 2021, the figure now sits at 15.34cm.

Led by Michael Eisenberg, the 2023 study may not be good news according to experts as they believe that sedentary lifestyles and hormone-disrupting substances are thought to play a role in this increase.

In an interview with the Stanford blog, Eisenberg said: "There could be a number of factors at play, such as chemical exposure, like pesticides or hygiene products, interacting with our hormonal systems.

"These endocrine-disrupting chemicals -- there are many -- exist in our environment and our diet.

Scientists think that an increase in size brings about some health problems. (Getty Stock Photo)
Scientists think that an increase in size brings about some health problems. (Getty Stock Photo)

"As we change our body's constitution that also affects our hormonal milieu. Chemical exposure has also been posited as a cause for boys and girls going into puberty earlier, which can affect genital development."

However, he adds that this will need further research as they will need to look at 'other patient populations -- such as the pediatric population -- to see if there are similar changes'.

Super Deporte also reported that scientists are worried about the quality of sperm in men, which they say had plummeted by 60 percent - something that is attributed to an increase in genital defects and tumours, as well as a drop in sperm count and serum testosterone levels.

Essentially, it concluded that the exact reasons behind larger penises should be investigated further.

So it looks like if you're in the previous bracket of what was considered 'average', you might be better off - so chin up.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Photos

Topics: Health, Science, News