There’s something to be said about the freedom that remote working can provide, but does it come at too much of a personal cost?
Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of global employees started to work from home, be it entirely remote or through a hybrid model.
Even though it’s given us more sense of a work-life balance, less commuting costs and the ability to wear our PJs all day, a scary prediction has unfolded.
Of course, you might be thinking that anything is worth not having to go into an office and speak to people all day long, but you might change your mind after seeing this monstrosity named ‘Susan’.
Now, she’s not a real person per se, but she could become a reality for many of us in just 25 years.
According to job search engine DirectApply, the way that remote workers are predicted to look is quite scary due to our new working conditions.
This visual representation of what remote workers will look like in 25 years shows that you may face having bad eyesight, a ‘tech neck’, inflamed eyes, terrible posture and rapid weight gain.

This is due to sitting in front of a screen for eight hours a day, lack of sunlight and physical activity.
Not only does Susan suffer from 'repetitive typing strain' but her skin is wrinkled from a Vitamin D deficiency and thinning hair.
Poor Susan.
A spokesperson at DirectApply told the Daily Mail: “From reduced social interaction and lack of proper exercise, to hunched shoulders and digital eye strain - Susan outlines the many physical implications of what spending hours glued to your laptop can unknowingly be doing to your physical and mental well-being”.
If you don’t want to end up like this AI model, there is still hope.
Psychologist Dr Rachel M Allan told the job search site that there are key ways to keep yourself mentally well: "Sticking to a routine that suits your life, your productivity levels and your job demands is essential to maintaining emotional health when working remotely."
Making sure that you are connecting to other people is another great way to boost your wellbeing, which is why psychologist Kate Brierton suggests maintaining good relationships with your colleagues, be it virtually or face-to-face.
She said: "Going without human contact for long periods of time can lead to higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which raises blood pressure and has harmful effects on physical health."
Now, on physical health, personal trainer Joe Mitten wants you to know that going outside should be a priority, as well as keeping fit.
So, even though working from home has the ability to cause some nasty side-effects, as long as you’re keeping up with a good routine to break away from your desk, you should be able to avoid some of those icky attributes that Susan presents.
Topics: AI, Health, Jobs, Mental Health