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Nurse shares what to do after explaining worrying reason you shouldn’t set multiple alarms to wake you up

Nurse shares what to do after explaining worrying reason you shouldn’t set multiple alarms to wake you up

It's time to say goodbye to snoozing your morning alarm

There are two types of people in this world: Those who eagerly jump out of bed upon the first sound of their alarm, and those who lie about hitting snooze four or five times getting those vital extra few minutes.

Unsurprisingly, being jerked out of your slumber multiple times every morning by the shrieking of your mobile phone's alarm sound isn't good for you.

Explaining why this commonly held practice isn't good for you, TikTok nurse Jordan Bruss made a viral video explaining how multiple alarms every morning can end up leaving you even more tired in the morning.

So many of us dread hearing the shrill of our morning alarm. (Getty Stock Images)
So many of us dread hearing the shrill of our morning alarm. (Getty Stock Images)

Unsurprisingly, viewers weren't too happy to hear that their prized morning routine was bad for their health, although you should of known that anyway.

Several viewers were also quick to point out that advice such as just 'get up' wasn't helpful to people often sleep through their alarms or struggle staying awake after hearing those dreaded shrieks from their phone.

Jordan has now issued a follow-up video to address the 'main' concerns left by viewers on her original video.

Maintain a regular sleep schedule

The first piece of advice Jordan gave was making sure you maintain a regular sleep schedule which will allow your body to wake up naturally.

"The first step is to maintain a regular circadian rhythm," she said. "This will help your body naturally regulate a sleep cycle."

She went on to explain that this means you will have to go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday - sorry shift workers - so that you can develop a steady internal clock.

Snoozing your alarm may be doing more harm than good when it comes to your health. (Getty Stock Images)
Snoozing your alarm may be doing more harm than good when it comes to your health. (Getty Stock Images)

Jordan acknowledges that this isn't possible to keep up everyday, after all no one wants to go to bed at 10pm on a Saturday night, however consistency is key.

Remember that habits can be changed

The second piece of advice Jordan gave was a reminder that your brain is very capable of picking up new habits after a certain amount of time.

"You can mould your brain into forming new habits," she explained. "You're very capable of it."

Jordan acknowledges that 'rewiring your brain' can take 'a little bit of work and a lot of consistency' but promised that committing to the change is worth it.

Leave your alarm on the other side of the room

A particularly helpful piece of advice which Jordan had seen from a viewer, involved leaving your alarm on the other side of the room so it mean that you had to get out of bed in order to turn it off.

"If you have to physically get out of bed, stay out of bed," she added to anyone thinking of trying out the 'simple' technique.

Jordan was also clarified to viewers that no one was forcing them to follow her advice.

"I'm just letting you know the science behind why it is stressful," she added.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images / TikTok/@jordan.bruss

Topics: Health, Viral, TikTok