While it is very treatable these days, the 'world's deadliest infection' is one of those terrifying old diseases with a deadly history which we've never quite managed to get rid of.
Although the number of cases are low, with only a few thousand people being diagnosed with it in England each year, figures have risen back to levels comparative to before the coronavirus pandemic.
A report released yesterday (24 March) said that across Europe there was a 'disturbing wake-up call' in the worryingly high rate of tuberculosis (TB) cases among children in particular.
Treatment success rates are also below the 90 percent target the World Health Organisation (WHO) has set, and there are worries about 'the rise of drug-resistant TB' which has an even lower success rate when it comes to successful treatment.
When most people think of tuberculosis they'd think of it being a disease which primarily affects the lungs and would be correct in that thought, but it's a disease which can spread to other parts of the body and trigger other symptoms too.

What are the symptoms of tuberculosis?
According to the NHS, symptoms for TB come on gradually and commonly include things such as a cough that lasts more than three weeks.
You may also cough up blood or mucus during bouts as well.
TB can also lead to high temperatures and night sweats, cause a loss of appetite and lead to unexplained weight loss.
Someone with the disease may also feel exhausted, and even if there are no glaring symptoms you may end up having a general sense of unwellness.
However, that's by no means the end of the list of potential symptoms from TB, as the disease can spread to other parts of your body including your bones, brain and lymph nodes.
This can produce a whole host of other symptoms in the body, including swollen glands, joints and ankles, or aches and pains across the body.

Pain in your belly or around the pelvic region is also among the possible symptoms if TB has spread, while at the other end of your body you may suffer from a headache or feelings of confusion.
Back down in your bowels you may feel constipated and your urine may come out either dark or cloudy.
Vomiting, a stiff neck and having a rash on your legs, face or other body parts is also a potential other symptom of TB that has spread.
The NHS also warns that in some cases tuberculosis can be in your body but not trigger symptoms, which is known as 'latent TB', whereas when symptoms are showing it's 'active TB'.
Its advice is to call if you've been having these symptoms, and if you're coughing up blood or mucus then you should ask for an urgent appointment.
If you've got a stiff neck and bad headache that makes bright lights painful to look at then it could be a sign that the TB has spread to your brain and led to meningitis, in which case you should be calling 999 and getting to A&E ASAP.
Topics: Health, NHS, World News