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Over 80% of us have struggled with mental health, it's time to talk about it

Over 80% of us have struggled with mental health, it's time to talk about it

LADbible has teamed up with the heroes at Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

Let's be real, guys. Life can be a rollercoaster, full of ups, downs, curveballs, and moments that just suck. But if you're feeling like that, know you are not alone.

Our recent LADnation survey revealed that over 80% of us have struggled with poor mental health at some point.

It hits everyone differently, with the survey finding that women (88%) are more affected than men (73%), and millennials seemingly struggling the most.

But the reality is, mental health struggles don’t discriminate, and can affect any one of us.

Shockingly, the survey found that almost half of participants had experienced suicidal thoughts, and over a third said that no one even asked them if they were okay when they were struggling.

80% have struggled with poor mental health. (Justin Paget/Getty Images)
80% have struggled with poor mental health. (Justin Paget/Getty Images)

We think that needs to change. That's why we’ve created UOKM8? to get us talking openly about mental health.

It takes huge strength to talk about it, but when we do, it makes a huge difference.

We've also teamed up with the absolute heroes at Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM).

They’re all about getting people talking, offering crucial lifelines, providing practical tools and resources, and building a community where no one feels alone.

CALM runs a helpline for anyone affected by suicide, whether you can’t see a way forward or you’re worried about someone else.

(fotostorm/Getty Images)
(fotostorm/Getty Images)

Open daily from 5pm to midnight, the team is there to listen and help you find a way through. It’s a safe space where you can chat about whatever's on your mind and get the support you need to feel better.

Simon, CEO of CALM, said: “We know that talking about suicide prevents suicide and checking in on a mate can be the vital first step in saving a life.

"This research clearly shows just how important it is to ask someone how they are.”

Whether it's anxiety, depression, grief, or anything else life throws at you, remember you're not alone. Reach out, talk, and find the support you need.

Find out more about CALM, and access their suicide prevention service here.

UOKM8? is a campaign by LADbible, featuring films and stories that provide advice and inspiration on mental health. Explore more here and don't suffer in silence. Let's talk mental health.

Featured Image Credit: Sarah Mason/Getty Images

Topics: Mental Health, UOKM8