A teenager who was left hanging from a power line by her broken leg following a devastating car crash has explained what the scariest part of the horror accident was.
Kennedy Littledike, 19, was left dangling 30ft in the air for around an hour as she waited to be rescued, after losing control of her vehicle and smashing into a power pole in the US state of Idaho.
She recalled how she was 'drowning in her own blood', which was gushing from the severe injuries she had sustained to her arm and leg as a concerned crowd gathered below when the life-changing incident took place on 22 May, 2021.

The motor flipped and rolled, sending the teen and her two friends flying out of the vehicle - leaving one knocked unconscious and the other bleeding heavily, having suffered shattered vertebrae and broken bones, among other injuries.
Kennedy on the other hand had been ejected 30ft into the air and ended up landing on the power line - which she reckons ultimately saved her life.
You may be wondering why she should be grateful for ending up suspended on an electrical cable, but incredibly, the main artery in her leg was pinched off by it and the main one in her arm was cauterised when she was electrocuted by the line - which essentially stopped her from bleeding to death.
The youngster was eventually rescued from the wire and rushed to hospital, where she was placed in a medical coma.

Doctors were forced to amputate Kennedy's leg, while she also suffered partial paralysis in one of her arms.
She initially worried that she would never find love again due to her injuries, but she is now in the 'happiest relationship' with her boyfriend who she met last year.
The brave 19-year-old, who underwent more than 21 surgeries, has come on leaps and bounds with her recovery and has managed to build up a substantial following on social media by sharing her story and inspiring others.
She has a new lease of life since getting a prosthetic leg - and regularly shares snaps of her enjoying activities such as skiing, rock climbing and mountain biking, proving she can do anything she puts her mind to.
In a YouTube video discussing the traumatic accident, Kennedy revealed what the 'scariest part' of the entire ordeal was.
She explained: "The scariest part was definitely waking up on the wire, because I'm not supposed to be there...so I don't know why I'm there. So I was confused and everyone was just looking at me and not getting me down.

"And trying to like stay alive, because I remember I knew if I cried, that was it for me," she recalled. "I've never been a big crier, I hate crying, I just feel weak.
"So I knew if I started crying, I would be done. I knew if I cried, that would have been it for me."
Kennedy said she remembered the Good Samaritans who had stumbled across the dramatic scene holding a white tarp underneath her incase she fell, but she 'didn't understand' what they were doing at the time.
She continued: "I was like, 'Can you guys just come and get me?'
"I was confused why they were all just looking at me and not helping me," she explained. "So a lot of confusion, scared, yeah I don't know. It was interesting."
Kennedy said she experiences flashbacks when she sees the flashing lights or hears the sirens of emergency service vehicles, adding that she 'hates' them.
"Sometimes those almost bring me to tears because it just makes me sick," she said.
"When I hit about 60mph and higher, I start to freak out. That gives me flashbacks."
Topics: Health, News, US News, YouTube, Mental Health, Sex and Relationships