There are certain medical conditions which don’t get enough of a spotlight for the public to be able to know what to do in a situation which warrants treatment or monitoring.
For example, there is a condition which seemingly makes a person unable to move and appear to ‘freeze’.
In a YouTube video created by Epilepsy Toronto, it shows a live demonstration of what would happen if you were to encounter a person who suffers with absent seizures.
You may already be aware of seizures which cause fits or spasms, but absent seizures last seconds and can be mistaken for daydreaming or zoning out.
In the demonstration, a group of young people are acting out theatre improv and a boy and girl are conversing during a scene.
Watch it here:
According to the NHS, while the main symptom of epilepsy is seizures and are categorised as ‘sudden bursts of electrical activity in the brain that temporarily affect how it works’, seizures are not a one-size-fits-all.
“Some seizures cause the body to jerk and shake (a "fit"), while others cause problems like loss of awareness or unusual sensations. They typically pass in a few seconds or minutes." the website says.
“Seizures can occur when you're awake or asleep. Sometimes they can be triggered by something, such as feeling very tired.”
But what is an absent seizure and how is it different?
According to the NHS, an absent seizure is when a person loses ‘awareness of your surroundings for a short time’.
It is usually a condition which affects children, but adults and teenagers can also experience this type of seizure.

What are the signs to look out for?
During an absence seizure, you may see a person:
· Stare blankly into space as though they have zoned out of the conversation
· Look like they're ‘daydreaming’
· The could flutter their eyes
· Or make jerking movements of their body
Though the seizures usually only last up to around 15 seconds, a person who has had one won’t be able remember that they’d had one and this could actually happen multiple times per day.
The demonstration resonated with a lot of people with the condition who wrote in the comment section.
One person shared: “I've had absent seizures daily since I was 9, with up to 20 seizures a day. This is the first time I've seen someone else having that experience. Thanks for putting this up!”
Another said: “I have this but for me I don’t remember what happened before the seizure so I’ll just be confused on what’s happening.”

When someone asked how this could be considered a seizure when they also have ‘absent’ moment due to their ADHD and Autism, Epilepsy Toronto replied: “Thanks for asking! A seizure happens when abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes an involuntary change in the person’s awareness or behaviour.
“The cause of this behaviour, the electrical currents in the brain, is what makes it labelled as a seizure. Epilepsy is diagnosed when a person has had two or more unprovoked seizures that cannot be attributed to some other condition.”
While many on the spectrum may recognise that they stare into space for periods of time, this is could be attributed to sensory overload and a need to switch off.
If you think you may suffer with absent seizures, contact your GP for a consultation and referral to a neurologist.